Easy Roasted Artichoke Hearts Recipe

Artichoke Hearts with Garlic Sauce

My friend and I like to go to a Spanish tapas restaurant and order their Artichoke Fritters with Serrano Aioli along with sangria. We always do this after a nice long walk, so the food tastes especially good. More than once we’ve finished our shared appetizer and ordered a repeat!

I really wanted to make something similar at home, so I started to search for frozen artichoke hearts, which are surprisinly hard to find. I eventually found some at Whole Foods, but they are not kept in stock all of the time, so when I see them, I grab several bags.

My attempt to replicate the artichoke fritters was a failure. The breading wasn’t the same without the frying technique that the restaurant uses. I decided to just roast the artichokes without breading, and instead just add olive oil, seasoning salts, and some fresh ground pepper, to see how they’d turn out. They turned out fabulously.

It’s so easy to do and artichokes go well with just about any protein you want to add to them. They work well on salad, in wraps, on pizza, or can just be dipped into an aioli or a tzatziki, garlic, or tahini sauce.



Frozen artichoke hearts

Olive oil

Seasoning Salt

Ground Pepper

Whole garlic cloves (optional)

Preheat oven to 400. Pour olive oil on the still frozen artichoke hearts (and whole cloves of garlic if using) on a pan with parchment paper. Sprinkle seasoning salts and grind pepper on top. Cook for 20 minutes, then flip the hearts over. Cook for another 15-20 minutes.

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Since I am usually just cooking for myself, quick, easy recipes that are still healthy are my favorites right now. I hope you enjoy the idea and it sparks some creative cooking for you.

Happy almost Valentine’s Day!

You are What You Consume

Most of us know about the Super Size Me documentary. In it, Morgan Spurlock ate McDonald’s for a month and shared his physical and mental decline during this period. Dr Chris van Tulleken conducted a similar experiment using ultra-processed food instead of fast food. He documented his health and well-being over a month when he ate a diet composed of 80% junk food in order to draw attention to the heavily processed food that children in the UK are routinely fed. This can be seen in the BBC Documentary, What are We Feeding our Kids?. What strikes me most about these two experiments is the fact that these people experienced such negative results in just a matter of a few weeks. It does not take long to create significant imbalances in the body.

Whether fast food or junk food, both of these men experienced physical and mental symptoms including weight gain, fatigue, addiction to food, erectile dysfunction, depression, and more. Luckily both were capable of reversing those symptoms once they switched back to a healthy diet. It’s so easy to go through our busy days without thinking about how our food affects us, but it clearly has a fundamental impact on our mind, body, and emotions.

Mind vs. Reality

Everyone thinks they have a healthy diet. Seriously, ask anyone and they will say that yes, they eat healthily. But the truth is we all have a tendency to go with the flow, and ‘the flow’ has been toward ultra-processed, fast and easy foods. It’s understandable. We are busier and more distracted than ever. We lack the time to even think about the food we eat, much less cook it from scratch. Most first world countries are indeed experiencing a longer life expectancy, but America is in fact, getting less healthy.

Consumption Beyond Food

These experiments have been on mind lately for a different reason than the connection between food and health though. I’ve been thinking about how fast it is to take a healthy body and make it unhealthy. It took less than a month for those two men to have serious consequences from their unhealthy diets. What about our minds? Can an intelligent person become less intelligent in a similar amount of short time due to what they consume?

For example, if we take a person with average intelligence, and give them books, time to process information, classes with instructors who mentor them, work that builds cognitive thinking skills, and discussions that encourage using them, won’t that person get smarter? If we take that same person of average intelligence and fill their days with social media, entertainment disguised as news, podcasts and articles that simplify issues and play on emotions and implicit bias, won’t that person lose intelligence? I’m just asking questions, but when I look around, these seem like reasonable questions.

Personal Responsibility

Some people might take issue with my saying that we gain or lose intelligence, and perhaps I should say cognitive thinking skills instead. I use the word intelligence though because it seems like the right word. We are not guaranteed health, just because we were born healthy. We have to support our health through what we eat, how we move our bodies, prioritizing sleep, hygiene, and more. I think it is the same with intelligence. We are not guaranteed to keep our intelligence just because we made decent grades in school or have a certain career. We have to support it, continue to be aware of what we are consuming, when our emotions are being played upon, and when we are goaded into thinking that aligns with our implicit biases.

I’m trying to stay hopeful about the state of the world. It seems to me that if we can collectively use less social media, respect the integrity of journalism, build communities in real life, and have a growth mindset, we might be able to survive, and perhaps even evolve.

Again, I’m just asking questions. I would love to hear what your thought and opinions are about the state of the world. So tell me, what do you think?

Wishing you days of fulfillment, and rejuvenating nights 🌱🍓🍜🫖💜

Easy Salad Prep: A Time-Saving Hack for Healthy Eating

Everyone seems to agree that salads made by other people are the best. Whether ordering one at a restaurant or picking one up in the deli section of a grocery store, there’s just something so satisfying about eating all that healthy, crunchy goodness without having to be the one to chop it all up and then see some of it potentially go bad in the fridge. I have had a particularly acute aversion to making salads, especially because I was the only one to really enjoy them in my house, so the prep and waste never felt worth it.

That is, until this summer when I figured out a hack that works for me to avoid waste and to condense the prep time to something more along the lines of soup which I gladly make. This came about through watching my Iranian friend make a similar salad every time we cooked together, and I realized I loved the simple base but wanted to add onto it as I ate through the leftovers for a few days. I thought I’d share, despite the fact we are entering into soup season and leaving salad season behind for now, in case this helps anyone else overcome their salad making block.

The problem for me has always been the fact that if I chopped up all the ingredients and put everything together in one big salad spinner to store for a few days, that the lettuce or mixed greens I used would inevitably wilt, and I’d get sick of eating the exact same salad every day. The simple hack I’ve found is to chop up cucumbers, tomatoes, part of a red onion, and a quarter of a green or red pepper, and store those separately with half a lime squeezed over them, as well as some olive oil and balsamic vinegar, seasoning salts, and some black pepper. That way, I can pull it out when I want and add it to some greens with any protein I have on hand for a salad, or use it in a wrap, with or without leafy greens.

It’s customizable so you can add in whatever salad fixings you like best, like radishes or carrots, or trade red onions for green, or leave out the pepper or double the cucumber ratio. Feta is a great choice to add in either while storing in the fridge or wait until serving, and I like to add fresh herbs to dishes once they are plated in a salad or wrap. Fresh basil leaves or cilantro work great with this base and are my favorites, but peppermint would be a good choice for summer roll inspired dishes.

Here’s my basic recipe for the base:

2 Persian Cucumbers or 1 regular cucumber

1 or 2 on-the-vine tomatoes

Chopped red onion to taste (I like about 3 heaping tablespoons)

1/4 of a green or red pepper

Half of a lime

Olive oil and balsamic vinegar to taste (I use about 1 tablespoon each)

Seasoning salts to taste (1 teaspoon is a good place to start)

Ground pepper

I love how this supports variety in my meals and it’s so much easier to do most of the prep work all at once so when it’s mealtime, there are healthy, easy options available because when I’m hungry, easy is an important factor. When I get home from teaching a three hour class with an hour of class prep beforehand and an hour of meeting time afterwards, the last thing I want to do is chop veggies for lunch. Having a choice that is already chopped and ready to just put in a wrap with some falafels and garlic sauce, or spoon on top of greens with some tuna, makes a huge difference.

Meals should be enjoyed stress-free so please let me know your favorite hacks for healthy eating in our time-crunched world.

Strawberries in June

Three strawberries

Most months of the year find me waxing poetic about blueberries, not only my favorite berry, but also my favorite fruit due both to taste and nutrient value. Even raspberries tend to top my favorites list before strawberries, except for in June that is. In June, strawberries win it all, promising summer is nearly here despite the PNW’s distinctive month of Juneuary. There is nothing like the scent of slicing strawberries when they are perfectly ripe, plump and juicy and packed with so much flavor that the sweet taste hangs in the kitchen before one has ever even made it to a waiting mouth. While prepping strawberries the other day, I allowed myself to sink into the scent and occasionally snuck one straight into my mouth despite my intended goal of divvying them up in equal proportions for my two sons. I sliced through those bright red hearts and felt a bit cold blooded, but those juicy treats sent love notes of sweet scents out into the world despite the harshness of the knife. I thought about timing, and how much time dictates the way we look at things, interact with objects and others, and how it all changes, endlessly, as we are simply dancers reacting to a song that will eventually end.  

Although blueberries tend to get all the superfood attention in the berry department, strawberries are also packed with nutrition as well. They are well known for their vitamin C content, and have other vitamins, minerals, and fiber that make them a healthy addition to diets. Lately, they have also been touted as having cognition benefits to aging minds as well. Here is a link to a study that shows strawberries can benefit cognition issues related to aging: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33468271/.  

It is important to only eat organic strawberries. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) consistently lists strawberries as the number one fruit/vegetable that is contaminated with pesticides, including toxins that can cause cancer and/or reproductive issues, and chemicals banned by the EU. They regularly test 46 foods and list the “dirty dozen”, so if you are wondering what else is on the list, you can check it out here: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php. I can’t help but think this is related to the health and longevity expectancy in America compared to other comparable nations.

There’s a reason the full moon in June is known as the Strawberry Moon. The brief period when strawberries are at their peak is so monumental, even the moon takes note of this transient moment, destined to return but never for long. I hope your week leading up to the solstice and the full moon are full of sun, sweetness, and all of the ephemeral treats of June, along with a sincere appreciation for the fleeting delights the earth, and time, offer us.  


A Better Life

Sunny day along Juanita Bay

This is the time of year many people make resolutions for improving their lives, or at the very least think about their lives in terms of years instead of the minute by minute perspective in which we so often live out our days. I appreciate that we have this yearly built in reminder to look at the bigger picture, make goals, to think about who we want to be and how we intend to get there, although I don’t personally feel inspired in the dead of winter to make any big changes. I struggle every January with winter’s lessons, and leave my bigger picture thinking for the warmer, brighter days of early spring. Towards the end of last year though, I heard a bit of news that I’ve been gnawing on ever since I first heard it and felt compelled to look further into it. I have to wonder, as a whole, are we even making the right New Years Resolutions?

The news item was that American life expectancy is declining, while all other comparable nations’ life expectancy continues to improve. With all our health gurus, power supplements, fitness obsessions, smart watches, and expert doctors, how are we missing the mark in such a grand way? Almost every day there is some “new finding” that gets touted on the news and social media about what to do be healthy here, for example, eat blueberries for brain health, or walk 10K steps a day, (or is it thirty minutes? Or 7,000 steps? Or is the key to moderate the intensity? Or change it every 10 days? Keto or intermittent fasting or celery juice? ) It seems so…desperate, like a person who really really wants something so badly that they grasp onto every new promise like it’s their only hope, their last life saving technique that will float them to everlasting health and happiness. If this were one person, we’d call that person neurotic, but as a nation we call it culture, and it clearly isn’t working.

This website I found has graphs which illustrate the disparities between the U.S. and comparable countries, and it is pretty astounding. The one that shocks me the most, is the amount of money Americans spend on healthcare compared to peer countries, take a look:


This isn’t just a healthcare problem, although I do think the American healthcare system is deeply flawed and the pharmaceutical industry is problematic at best, but it is also our food system, work culture demands, isolation and loneliness, stress of all sorts, racial and class systemic inequities, guns, and on and on. I know we can do better in all these realms because our peer nations are proving the point quite well. I don’t have any answers to overhauling all aspects of American life, but I am grateful for the statistical health organizations who track these things to make it clear that an overhaul is indeed needed. Knowledge is power after all. Let’s make real changes this year.

My wishes for you for 2024 is that wherever you are in the world, you have long-term goals defined, understand how to attain your goals, and enjoy your days while getting there.

Creamy Cauliflower Soup DF/GF

This is a reblog inspired by the fact that I made this soup again today after a blustery fall walk. It’s not only windy here today, but there are also intermittent downpours and epic thunder which is a rare occurrence here. I managed to take my dog out during a break in the rain and was rewarded with the pretty trio below. After our windy walk, this soup tasted especially warm and lovely.

The only things I’ve changed since posting this five years ago is that I use even more garlic now, closer to 6 cloves (yum), and I use an immersion blender instead of the stand up one in the video below. It is so much easier with the immersion blender! Use one if you have one. Also, this soup definitely needs bread to accompany it and really anything works. I’ve liked Rudi’s gluten free loaves lately and just toasted up two of their sourdough slices today to make it a full meal. Here’s the reblog from October 31, 2018:

I originally wrote this recipe for Basmati.com which has a wealth of Ayurvedic inspired wellness information, but I wanted to share it here too because it is one of my favorite soups. It has several steps but it is all very easy to do and it’s worth it, trust me. I’m not one of those people who embraced using cauliflower as rice or as any kind of grain substitute as was all the rage for a while there, so I’m not a huge lover of all things cauliflower, but this soup is delicious. The garlic and leeks are what really make it special so I add in a lot of those, but you can definitely tone it down if you don’t care for the allium family that much. Garlic is so healthy for the cardiovascular system and also for keeping germs and viruses away though that I recommend large doses if you can handle it.

In a family with gluten, dairy, soy, egg, and nut intolerances, indulging in creamy anything is quite rare. My oldest son and I are big soup lovers, though, and he especially loves creamy soups, so I’ve tried my hand at several vegan recipes using coconut milk, but we just aren’t always in the mood for the subtle taste of coconut. I’ve discovered that with enough olive oil in the cooking process, and by roasting the veggies first, we can end up with a creamy soup without any dairy or dairy alternatives whatsoever – and the taste is truly superb. It is one of those meals that you have to remind yourself is actually incredibly healthy –  just veggies, olive oil, herbs, and spices –  because it really does taste like a decadent treat. Here’s the recipe:

Creamy Roasted Cauliflower Soup

  • 1 medium to large head of cauliflower
  • 1 large leek
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic, depending on taste (I use 4 because I like it good and garlicky)
  • 1 small-medium yellow onion
  • 4 cups of vegetable stock
  • About 2-3 Tbs olive oil
  • ½-1 tsp sea salt
  •  Several turns of fresh ground pepper to taste (you can always add more, so start on the smaller side)
  • 1 tsp or more Herbs d’Provence or thyme

Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and pour olive oil onto a cookie sheet (or some other roasting pan) and rub it around until the bottom is covered, or cover the bottom with parchment paper. Chop the cauliflower and leek up into bite size pieces and put them on the pan to roast with the garlic cloves. Pour olive oil on top of the vegetables, trying to make sure each piece has been touched. I do this by pouring the oil in a crisscross fashion over the pan, and then I roast the vegetables for about 30 minutes, turning them over once or twice during that time. They will be done when there are brown bits on top in places.

Meanwhile, chop the onion and sauté it in about 1 Tbs olive oil in a large pot on medium-high heat until translucent (about 3 minutes).This is also when I like to put the salt, pepper, and herbs d’Provence (or thyme) in the pot, but remember: you can also add more salt and pepper later, so start with small amounts. The soup is so flavorful with the garlic that you might be surprised at how little salt in particular that you need.

Add the four cups of vegetable stock to the pot and bring to a quick boil before turning it down. When the vegetables are finished roasting in the oven, put them in the pot of soup and let it all simmer together for about 5 minutes before turning off the burner and letting it cool a bit prior to blending. Pour the soup into a blender and watch it turn into creamy deliciousness in less than a minute, and then taste to make sure it has enough salt and pepper to your liking.

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Summer Foods and Thoughts

Summery path through greenery

It’s been a while since I’ve written and I’ve missed this space. In January I started a new job as an adjunct professor which has been challenging due to the learning curve of the new place and the fact that every time I got my footing, another challenge would arrive and I’d feel the need to put all my efforts into staying on top of the job. I like it, but the challenge has been real. Now that it’s summer I’ve had a couple of weeks to decompress although I’ll start back up teaching next week for summer quarter.

Someone commented on one of my youtube videos from six or seven years ago the other day and it made me realize how much I miss the communities and conversations that have arisen over the years here and a few other places centered around herbs, essential oils, natural foods and products, slow foods and slow living, etc. It’s funny how normal all those topics seemed for so long, and now it seems like all I hear about is AI (which disturbs me), work related topics, parenting necessities, and adulting chores such as bills and taxes. There is no balance unless balance is created~ it doesn’t just happen naturally. Putting effort into the important things, priorities, long term goals, being the person you want to be and living the life you want to live have all been on my mind lately. One thing I’ve been talking to my oldest son about is that when I think about my future self, say five to ten years in the future, would I be proud of that person if that future self had spent most of my free time on my phone, on social media, watching shows? Or would I be a more confident, competent, and successful version of myself if I spent more time reading, listening to quality podcasts and audiobooks, limiting what I watch to inspiring and/or motivating things. The answer is obvious but I’m a work in progress when it comes to implementing these notions daily. Sometimes all I can do is veg out to instagram for 20 minutes and that’s OK too. I just don’t want that to grow and it takes effort, mindfulness, and self-discipline.

I haven’t done anything herbal lately, but I did buy some vegan pesto that I have to share b/c oh my goodness, it is the best pesto I’ve ever had. Basil and pesto are such summery foods to me, just like berries and peaches they just hit differently in summer, resonating with the longer light, heat, sun, and fun. Basil is one of my favorite culinary herbs and I love adding the whole, fresh leaves to salads and sandwiches, but there is something about pesto that just brings dishes to whole new level. I’m a pesto purist and not overly impressed with the kale pestos or nettle pestos out there, but I know a lot of people like those. I currently have a vegan kale one from Trader Joe’s and it’s OK but nothing compared to a true basil pesto. I get the vegan ones, which are hard to find because most pestos have parm in them, because my son and I do best without dairy so we only eat it sparingly. This pesto from Seggiano is my son’s and my favorite one ever, other than making it fresh ourselves.

Seggiano Vegan Pesto

I found it at Whole Foods but not sure if they are going to continue to stock it or not because lately the shelf has been empty where I first found it. It’s on amazon but it’s more expensive there than at Whole Foods so I haven’t bought it there yet, but I will if need be in the future. Hopefully I’ll get back to making my own soon, once my job doesn’t take up so much of my mental space.

Thank you for being here. I’d love to hear your summer (or winter if you are in the southern hemisphere) thoughts and foods in the comments section. 🌻💜🌿☀

I’ve been searching for this all my life

OK, maybe not ALL my life, but as long as I’ve been cooking gluten-free foods, I’ve looked for gluten-free tortellini and have never found any (other than mail order frozen stuff which never looked appealing.) This is fresh pasta, found in the refrigerator section (although could potentially be found in the freezer section) AND there is a dairy free version as well. Cue the heavenly choir!

Manini’s is a local company here in the greater Seattle area (I’m not affiliated), but they have a wide presence and you can find their products through Amazon Fresh. Their 4 cheese tortelloni (not sure where they are getting their spelling from but I guess I’ll adopt it here) is a favorite with my youngest son and I enjoy it too, although the real reason I have searched high and low for this sort of pasta is to make tortellini soup. My oldest requires the dairy-free version so I plan on making the soup using the dairy free version when he’s home from college over the holidays.

Have a festive Thanksgiving to all those in the U.S. this week. I am grateful for you!!

Updated Muffin Recipe

Gluten-free Dairy-free muffins

Fall hasn’t truly set in here but the urge to spend more time in the kitchen has shown up on time anyway. We didn’t need muffins in the house, especially now that we are down to two, but muffin baking beckoned regardless. My original vegan take on Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free recipe for blueberry muffins can be found here, but it never quite right to me. Yesterday, instead of looking at what I’d done before, I started from scratch with Bob’s recipe and modified it anew, but this time I used eggs instead of an egg replacer. If you want these to be vegan, just use your favorite egg replacement. (Mine is simply to use 1 tablespoon of flax seed meal with 3 tablespoons of warm water per egg.) As last time, my recipe does not include any berries because my son prefers baked goods without berries, but 1.5 cups of blueberries can be added, or if you have raspberries, those would be especially good with the vanilla and cinnamon. These muffins are great without any berries though and taste almost like a biscuit, but not quite. (I think the 2 teaspoons of baking powder are also what give it a biscuit-y taste.)

This recipe that I manipulate is right on the back of Bob’s Red Mill’s Gluten-free One-to-One flour which is my favorite gf flour for baked goods. It’s easy to use and it saves me from buying a handful of different flours to mix and match trying to find the perfect blend. The other main thing I do with this recipe is to reduce the sugar by quite a bit, and to use both cane sugar and brown sugar. This might be why my muffins end up tasting somewhat like a biscuit instead of just a pure muffin, but they are still tasty as can be. Whenever I make these, I go ahead and double the ingredients to make 24 muffins, but the following is for 12 regular-sized ones.

Vanilla-Cinnamon Gluten-free, Dairy-free Muffins

(I am affiliated with Mountain Rose Herbs but not with any of the other pages I have linked to.0

2 Cups Bob’s Red Mill GF 1-to-1 Baking Flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 cup vegan butter

1/2 cup cane sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract (here’s how to make your own!)

2 eggs

1/2 Nutpod French Vanilla Oat Creamer

1.5 cups of optional ingredients such as blueberries, raspberries, or even chocolate chips

Start by preheating oven to 425 degrees and prepping your muffin pan with either paper liners or spray oil. Add the dry ingredients (besides the sugar) together in a bowl and stir. Cream the sugar and softened vegan butter together with a hand mixer. Add the vanilla and mix again. Add the eggs and mix, then add the dry ingredients a bit at a time while mixing, rotating with adding the half cup of oat creamer. At this time, you can add in any other ingredients that you want, such as 1.5 cups berries or chocolate chips, but they taste great just plain. It’s a very thick batter, not runny at all. Scoop the batter into a prepared muffin pan for 12 normal sized muffins. Put the pan in the oven and immediately turn down the temperature to 375 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes, then let them cool on a cooling rack for at least five minutes before digging in.

Gluten-free, Dairy-free Muffins that you can add berries to if you like or eat plain like we do

I hope the call to the kitchen continues and I get back to soup making soon, but where I live has a tiny kitchen compared to my old place which makes it a little less inviting. I shouldn’t complain, and I’m not because honestly, I love where I live and think it’s far better than my old place for many reasons, but cooking just hasn’t been the joy it once was lately. I’m finding joy in other things though, and I hope you too are indulging in joys every day.

Happy fall y’all! 🍂 (And happy spring to those in the southern hemisphere🌷).

Documentary Series that is Free this Weekend (6.12-6.13.2021)

This is a documentary series by Nick Polizzi that has been airing for free with an option to buy it and have it forever. If you are interested in any of the below the topics, you can watch the episode(s) free this weekend at this link: https://proven.thesacredscience.com/proven-replay-page. Basically they all talk about the latest therapies that have studies and proof behind them in these various health areas. Herbs are discussed, as is nutrition, movement and exercise, and many other modalities. I’ve watched a couple and they are interesting so thought I’d share.

Episode 1: The Root Cause Of All Disease

Episode 2: Reversing Autoimmune Disorders & Healing Your Gut

Episode 3: Brain Health & Restoring Cognitive Function

Episode 4: Solving Fatigue & Insomnia

Episode 5: Healing Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity

Episode 6: Overcoming Pain

Episode 7: Healing Emotional And Physical Trauma

Episode 8: Cancer Breakthroughs

Episode 9: Intimacy, Fertility and Hormone Health

Let me know if you watch any of the episodes and what you think!