Slow Health – a Continuing Conversation

The other day I was looking through some of my older blog posts and this one from 2018 surprised me with this foreshadowing statement (the italics are new):

Technology, and especially social media, are pushing images and information onto us and into us at an ever-increasing rate, leaving everyone a little on edge, if not completely frantic, and feeling always and forever behind. The laws haven’t kept up so how could our long-evolved emotions, our sense of time and space, our ideas of community, morality, humanity? They haven’t had the time and the future certainly isn’t carving out space for us to collectively take a time out and regroup, unless something major happens which certainly wouldn’t be pretty, so the best thing I can think to do is to try to be mindful of it all and not get swept up and away into the vacuum of a false reality.

The pandemic lockdowns certainly shook up our perspectives quite a bit, and one thing that seems to have amplified is polarization. People have been picking sides, as if there are only two options: follow modern medical protocol, or use only natural methods to keep oneself healthy. Anyone who claims there is only one right way to move through this quickly changing landscapeof the pandemic is clinging to a notion that there is a truth and they know it and it keep them afloat in this storm despite the flood of (mis)information. I understand the need to feel some control in this new situation, but clinging to one notion can become a sinking weight instead of a safety float.

I absolutely believe we can and should do all we can naturally to keep ourselves healthy. I think of this as ‘Slow Health” in the model of Slow Foods, where we each our accountable for the foods we eat, the activities we engage in, our rest and well-being, and the herbs and supplements we incorporate into our lives. This is long-term thinking with an adult mindset, able to distinguish and choose between what we want now, and what want most, with the understanding that we need to keep in touch with our changing needs, aging bodies, and shifting priorities. We are accountable for all our choices in life, so why wouldn’t we be accountable for self-care? Yet in our modern paradigm it is common for that responsibility to have shifted solely to the doctors and other health professionals so fully that it seems we forget we are the ones who have to live with our bodies, minds, and emotions, and we along with everyone in our lives are the ones who are affected by our emotional, mental, and physical health. In the ages before this modern time, people, mainly the women, knew how to support their and their families’ health through the seasons and over the years, but there were also always healers in the communities to offer additional tonics, support and guidance, and perhaps a chant, prayer, or ritual, depending on the time and place in history we are discussing. There have always been times when above and beyond actions are needed, such as when there is a broken bone involved, cancer has taken hold, or a deadly virus has shut down the world. Modern medicine is not perfect but it is a system based on vigorous scientific research and the Hippocratic oath and it’s essential to recognize we are blessed to have this tool when needed. It seems so odd to me to see “natural health experts” claiming modern medicine is evil or junk or untrustworthy when they are using modern technology build on the same scientific principals to shout their messages. It’s science that created computers, science that made social media possible, and science that built all the modern technology that we use all day long without even thinking about it. This all to say that when it comes to optimal health, there is no black and white choice between being ‘all natural’ or being a believer in modern medicine.

The more we integrate the lessons of history with the advances of today, the more we can evolve and create a better world. Personally I hope that means a slower world, where everyone has the chance to connect with themselves, nature, and their communities, and make healthy decisions that support their long term goals and the health of the planet. That certainly is a viewpoint that leans more towards the lifestyles of the past, but modern medicine and modern technology are useful tools that can be used for positive gains. Jumping on every new app or technology won’t foster that kind of thoughtful, pursposeful living, but thinking through what you truly value and want in your life on adaily basis is available to you and will ideally allow for the right mix of technology and non-technology to support you without distracting and overwhelming you. That’s my goal anyway. And I’m totally down with chants, prayers, and rituals being thrown in for good measure too. (Did you know those chants and prayers over herbal concoctions were how time was passed down in oral traditions? They didn’t have watches back then so “stir for 45 seconds” tuned into something like, “stir while saying three Hail Marys”. Pretty clever, eh?) Who’s to say that we can’t have it all?

I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season and taking time to experience the twinkling moments to their fullest.



As I said in my last post, adaptogens are herbs that help our bodies respond to stress. I like to think of them as ‘slow health’ workers, akin to the slow foods movement, where you are thinking strategically about long-term health goals and supporting those goals through small daily doses of herbs that help get the body out of ‘fight or flight’ mode and into a healthier zone. We want our bodies to be relaxed so imbalances can be addressed before they turn into illnesses. The demands of modern life are such that if we don’t consciously address the pace, stress, overwhelm, and information overload, we can get caught in a continuous day-in and day-out stress mode cycle, which is definitely not a thriving place for our health and well-being. We hear a lot about self care lately and that very often translates into hot baths or massages which are great things to do, but we also have herbal allies to keep it real on a daily basis, keep us healthy long-term, and remind us that there are no prizes for being the most stressed out.

You can take adaptogens in pill form, tinctures, teas (herbal infusions), or as powders. In powder form, you are getting the whole herb and nothing else, which is a nice way to do it. I like to add one of my adaptogen powder mixes into coffee or tea, and the other mix I make, which currently includes Eleuthro and Rhodiola, I put into smoothies for my family and myself. You can also mix them into juice or just water, or add them to foods such as yogurt or cereal. It’s best to start with just a 1/2 teaspoon per day of an herbal powder, then add another 1/2 teaspoon later in the day once the first half teaspoon is perfectly tolerated. More can be added in time if desired, but adding too much too fast is a recipe for digestive issues and that will only add stress, not help it. Concentrating on being consistent is more important than how much you take because only a small amount is needed if taken over a long period of time.

Switching up your adaptogens is advisable, and don’t worry, you will still get the benefits of sticking to adaptogens over time. If you are new to adaptogens, this article will introduce you to probably the best known adaptogenic herb, Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is a great place to start if you are new to adaptogens, but there are plenty of others to choose from as well, from many different traditions around the world. This article gives a brief overview of a few others, and these are some of my favorites you might want to look into: Tulsi, Rhodiola, Reishi, Fo-ti, and Schisandra, and keep in mind that combining adaptogens lets them work in a synergistic way.

280F9A5A-A3EE-4CF2-9387-2AEACC88EBEE[1] Ashwagandha and other adaptogens are showing up more and more in functional foods and drinks, such as SpicePharm’s Golden Chai (pictured above) and Chocolate Elixir, and Gaia’s Golden Milk as well as Amazing Grass’s Brain Elixir. There are cold drinks by REBBL that have adaptogens in their full line of flavors which I’ve found at my local Whole Foods but not online yet. (They are tasty!)

All this is to say, that adaptogens are abundant in numbers, available in ready-made products, and easy to incorporate into daily life so there is no reason not to make a conscious choice to have them in whatever way works best for you. Don’t let stress mode become your everyday mode and if it already is, then know you can make choices to get to a healthier space. You deserve it. The holidays are fast approaching so this just might be the perfect time to start building up your body’s stress response for the better. Please subscribe for weekly posts about herbs, natural health, and green beauty, and please share this with anyone who might be interested. Please subscribe for weekly posts about herbs, natural health, and green beauty, and please share this with anyone who might be interested.