People and Plants

This e-guide from Delicious Living speaks to my heart. Delicious Living made it in partnership with the company Gaia Herbs which is one of  my go-to herbal supplement brands. I have taken their extra-strength turmeric daily for years and it has made a huge impact in my life (and my aching feet). Plants have been our friends, healers, and joy givers for all of our human existence and it’s a mission of mine to keep that relationship alive and thriving. This guide not only reminds us how many ways plants are part of our lives and part of our health, it also gives some suggestions for herbs that can enhance your daily life and if you think about it, our lifelong health is nothing more than our daily habits so adding small positive actions, supplements, and wellness practices are what make the biggest impact on health, aging, and quality of life. Check out the e-guide and enjoy being reminded of how integral plants are to our lives, and how entwined their health is with our own.


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2 thoughts on “People and Plants”

    • Wow, really?! That is new to me but I guess everyone reacts differently to herbs. Shame though b/c it’s really helped my feet ever since my bones moved during pregnancy. (Ick.) I used to have a ton of pain daily and now it’s almost all gone though I still have to wear comfortable shoes.


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