Mission Possible Challenge

This post is part of a blogging challenge called: Divine Mission~ Possible, created by fellow blogger litebeing chronicles. The idea is for people to write about what their mission is, where they are on it, and really anything that relates to that. If you would like to join the challenge, please do! The challenge lasts through November and I did last year’s and found it to be quite inspiring to read the other bloggers posts and have to think through my own (Sense-ational Scents).

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I believe we are all here for a reason, or rather reasons, and that we all have special attributes, unique characteristics, and specific experiences that make up our paths and passions. Whether we fully enact these missions is up to us, though it is my belief that how we show up in the world on a daily basis is part of our mission, and every single day our missions leak out of us whether we like it or not. If we are on a path that resonates with our passions and values, then the ‘leaking’ is going to be mostly light-filled and uplifting. If we are not, then the leaking will come out as confused, inconsistent, and disembodied, though it may still be beautiful, but lacking clear energy behind it. (By the way, have you ever noticed how similarly spelled mission and passion are~ there must be something there!)

My mission relates to herbs, ecology, natural health, green beauty, and educating. 6E725201-6137-4617-B2DF-7FFBFFC0C674[1]The state of the environment is deeply concerning to me and specifically the state of our collective relationship to the environment. We (including myself) are not in flow with nature, giving and taking in a balanced way, but instead taking and taking with little regard for sustainability. It is my belief that the more people engage with nature in all ways, understanding nutrition beyond trendy diets, how herbs can help create and maintain health, how what we put on our bodies and the chemicals we surround ourselves with impact our moods, hormones, overall health, beauty, and aging, then that relationship with nature will start to be repaired. We have the ability to turn around humanity’s destructive ways, but it will take individual relationships to do that.


Personally I love to create with herbs and building community through bringing people together to learn about herbs and making products with them. That is the next step in my mission and one that I’ve begun through the online courses I created, but creating with people in real life is something that I feel is an important step in this digital, often lonely era in which we live. I’ve actually been engaging in Facebook groups lately (although FB is not my favorite place to hang out!) trying to get a feel for what people need/want/are missing in terms of natural health and herbs and wow, there is quite a lot of misinformation out there. I’m hoping to provide people with reliable resources and inspire others to always seek out herbs and other natural products to help create and maintain optimal health and well-being. Even if it seems like something that seems just genetic, like hair loss, or there’s nothing to be done about it, like food intolerances or gum recession, or something that requires pharmaceuticals, like high blood pressure, there are always natural options to try, even if just as complimentary therapy to whatever pharmaceutical is needed.

How we treat ourselves is also how we treat others, including the non-human beings we share the earth with such as plants and animals, and earth itself. The more we take care of ourselves in natural, holistic ways, the more it reflects in our our overall wellness and longevity, and in every relationship we have. It’s a microcosm of the macrocosm and interconnected on every single layer. For me, I want to help make it a joyful, beautiful experience, because healthy food isn’t about deprivation, it’s about enjoyment and long-term goals, and green beauty isn’t basic, it’s luxurious, and herbs and other natural remedies are not folk tales, they are effective and our birthright. I’ll admit, being ecologically aware can sometimes be depressing, but I truly think if we focus on the beauty and joy of the natural world and how we interact with it, then we can collectively create positive change.

These values, passions, and missions have been a part of my life since childhood, and if you want to read more about how they have manifested in my life, I wrote about that here: Herbal Journey.  I would love to hear about your life missions and where you feel you are on that path. If you want to read more of these, you can find links to others on litebeing chronicle’s page.

I’m inviting energy healer, Nicole, to join in on this challenge and anyone else who would like to give this some thought and share. Good Luck on wherever your mission takes you!









4 thoughts on “Mission Possible Challenge”

  1. Thank you Kristen for such an amazing post for the challenge. I have discovered how herbs can impact health just a few years ago and I drink a special herbal medicinal blend daily ( I have my tea with me now!). I have noticed significant changes in a short amount of time and it is such a blessing. Clearly you are aware of your mission and have embraced your calling in creative ways. Thanks for joining our circle again this year!

    blessings, Linda

    • Thank you for creating this community! Your blog challenges are always so creative and inspiring. So glad you have herbs in your life :0).

  2. A wonderful inspiring post Kristen, there is no better Mission than that of connecting to our Earth Mother and all the gifts she brings.. So your work with herbs and Nature are indeed a gift to Humanity.
    We grow most of our food, and try to live with nature and her natural healing ways as much as is possible..
    So I fully endorse its how we treat ourselves, our bodies and understand the relationship we have with our bodies through our minds over matter in treating ourselves with love and respect..

    Many thanks for sharing and so good to be catching up this week in WP and to the challenge on Linda’s Blog..
    Blessings Sue

    • Thank you Sue~ I am excited to read yours! I haven’t had a good catch-up time lately myself but hopefully later this week.


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