How to Make a Body Butter (Reblog)

I was in the mood to make a body butter and share it here, so I decided to look at the recipes I’ve made before and decided that I would just reblog the one I followed most closely, otherwise it’d just be a repeat anyway. I love making body butters because of the way they change from solid, to liquid, to a creamy consistency. It’s like true alchemy at work. They are decadent too, and so perfect for this time of year when heaters start cranking and skin starts cracking. These butters are perfect for the skin that gets driest, such as feet and elbows and hands, but I use these all over my body and my legs seem to especially love the highly moisturizing texture. They make lovely gifts too, just heed the warning below about using a tight-fitting lid such as a screw top if you or your lucky giftee have a prying pet. Below is my blog from February of 2018, and here is another one on making body butter complete with video.

Making a body butter or cream is an especially magical process because the mere act of whipping the concoction creates the luxurious feel of the product and also the opaqueness. It’s really easy to do and there are so many ways to do it that I very rarely repeat the same process twice in the exact same way. That being said, I don’t always get the proportions exactly right for a proper whip to the recipe so do follow the ingredient recommendations closely of whatever recipe you choose at least for the first time or two. Even if the whipping doesn’t make your butter quite creamy, you will still end up with a soft balm that is just as good for moisturizing, and considering all these ingredients are natural, healthy, and non-toxic, you can use them on any part of your body that needs a little lotion-y love. Use whatever essential oils you like, but just know if you are using the recipe below the cocoa butter gives the finished product a decidedly chocolate-y scent, so figure that into your scent profile. For example, orange and chocolate might be good, cedarwood and chocolate though….maybe not.) I used vanilla absolute to round out the chocolate scent and the lavender to make sure it didn’t smell completely like food, plus lavender has so many skin benefits.


Body Butter

1/2 C Cocoa Butter

1/4 C Coconut Oil

1/8 C Shea Butter

1/8 C Rose Oil (Olive Oil based)

20 drops Lavender

10 drops Vanilla Absolute

Put all the ingredients, except for the essential oils, into a measuring cup that can go into a pot of water that will heat up to a simmer. 3756C7C8-FDB6-4FEB-B5E5-051F1F1C9E5A[1]Let the solids completely melt, then take the measuring cup out of the water and let the liquid cool. You can put the measuring cup on ice, or put it in the fridge or freezer with a clean towel on top of it. It takes a while to cool, anywhere between a half hour to an hour depending on how it is cooling (freezer or on ice or just sitting out or whatnot). If you lose track of time and find the measuring cup hours later rock solid, don’t worry, just melt it again. When the liquid feels room temperature to the touch, add the essential oils and start whipping it with an electric mixer or in a blender until it turns creamy and opaque. This could take 5-10 minutes, depending on how cool the liquid is upon starting. Pour the butter into a clean jar and keep it out of heat and light for storage. This is a very emollient body butter, good for hand or foot cream, elbows, or any part of the body that is very dry. It isn’t recommended for the face though because those hard oils and butter can be pore clogging. It smells decadent and it is really fun to make something that starts off mostly solid, melts into a liquid, then whips into a totally new texture.


Store in a clean glass jar with a tight fitting top, in a cool, dark place. Preferably a cool, dark place up out of nosey doggie territory. I was going to give this body butter to a friend so I had it down on the bottom of my shelf of herbal things where I knew I wouldn’t forget about it, but see that cork there…? My dog took the cork out of the jar (it does smell heavenly, and very much like food despite the lavender, I have to admit) and the jar hardened to a decidedly non-butter state. Definitely not gift-worthy anymore although I’ll still use it. Now it’s back to the stove top to make another batch, this time with a screw-lid jar.

This does harden a bit over a couple of days even with a properly closed container, so don’t be surprised if that happens. It still melts right onto (and into) your skin. We have all heard how skin is our largest organ and whatever we put on it goes into the body, so make sure you are only using the best, purest, products. You are worth it and your body will thank you. Please subscribe for weekly posts about herbs, natural health, and green beauty, and please share this with anyone who might be interested.


Herbal Perfume Base DIY Part 2

This is a follow up post to the one about making herbal perfume bases. After the tincture sits for about a month, it is ready to be strained and used as a perfume base. It can sit for longer than a month and potentially get a little stronger, but if you are like me and get antsy to get crafting, a month is long enough. I actually strained mine this time slightly before a full month was up, but I could tell from the scent and the color that it was ready. A note about the color~ when you make an herbal tincture it will inevitably take on the color of the herbs which shouldn’t be a surprise, but it may seem strange to put colored perfume on your body. The color does not show up on the body and I’ve never had it stain my clothes either so you don’t need to worry about that. If you do not like the idea of colored perfume, stick to essential oils in straight alcohol, or make an herbal oil instead because oils take on a lot less color. Here’s part two of making an herbal perfume base:

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The final perfume I made with the 2 oz. spray bottle is the following:

50 drops ylang ylang

10 drops nutmeg

3 drops palo santo (because I’m out of sandalwood)

5 drops bergamot

This turned out to have a nice, fresh, gender-neutral, autumn day scent. If you watched the video you will know that I was thinking of adding jasmine but I’m just not really feeling jasmine-y this time of year. Nutmeg is a strong scent which is why there are only 10 drops while ylang ylang has 5 times as much, but the scent turned out to have a strong vanilla-nutmeg scent which just feels right for October. It could have really used some sandalwood but I improvised with the palo santo which is another essential oil that is extremely strong so only three drops of that one. The bergamot just gave it a light, happy finish as the only real top note in the mix.

Thank you for reading and please subscribe if you haven ‘t already for more herbal tutorials and wellness articles from the natural foods and products world.


Cinnamon Almond Granola

If you want to make your house smell exceptionally warm and cozy, I highly recommend making this granola. It is short on ingredients and easy to scale up or down or modify to your own particular tastes. I know some people who might want to add cardamom and nutmeg to the mix and honestly I would myself, but my kids tend to like cinnamon on its own so that is what I do. I used gluten-free oats from Bob’s Red Mill, but many celiacsbobs red mill gf oats and people intolerant to gluten cannot eat even certified gluten-free oats. This apparently has to do with the protein molecule being similar in structure to gluten, though it might also have to do with what/how the oats are grown and what has been sprayed on or near them. (Read more about this here or at least look at the graph and draw your own conclusions.) Whatever the reason, listen to your body about eating oats or not. I count myself very lucky to be able to digest oats because I love granola and using oat flour in baking. This recipe is a healthy combination for starting the day because of cinnamon which can help stabilize blood sugar, almonds for the protein and good fats, and coconut oil to keep one satiated longer. Here’s the recipe:



Cinnamon Almond Granola

3 cups oats (I use gluten-free)

Real Salt

1 cup slivered almonds

1 tbs cinnamon powder

1/2 tsp sea salt (I use Real Salt)

3 Tbs. coconut oil (Somehow didn’t make it into the pics, but very important ingredient!)

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla extract (make your own!)

Preheat oven to 350. Place parchment paper down on a large, rimmed cookie sheet. Combine the first four ingredients together in a large bowl and mix well. Melt the coconut oil and honey in small sauce pan or just use your microwave for about a minute. Add the vanilla extract to the melted mixture and stir, then pour over the dry ingredients and blend until well mixed. Pour the mixture onto the pan and spread it out as much as possible. Put in the oven for about 15 minutes, stirring every five minutes so that all sides of the granola are exposed at some point. When it turns golden and the kitchen smells mouth-wateringly delicious, it’s ready to cool down and be stored in a glass container, or munched all day long right off the pan.

This is a great addition to smoothies to turn them into smoothie bowls and will be nice to have as an after school snack all week too, if it lasts that long. The other breakfast food I’ve made for the week is a couple of batches of waffles. They are filling and the addition of chocolate chips makes the early morning wake-ups just a tad sweeter for my sons, especially my youngest who is naturally a late sleeper. Waffles are also easy additions to lunch boxes and if you’ve never tried peanut butter or nutella on waffles, you are in for a surprisingly good pairing. These can be especially nice go-to foods for those early days of switching to gluten free eating for newbies, especially for kids, when it suddenly feels like all the comfort foods are out of bounds. Waffles can save the day and I highly recommend employing any and all tactics for making the transition as emotionally comfortable as possible, because changing what you eat in a drastic way is truly life altering and that should be acknowledged. It’s a challenge in other words, and although challenges are necessary and generally for the greater good, so is honoring the emotions as one goes through them.

Thank you for reading and please share with anyone looking for gluten free or just easy breakfast recipes.

Happy October!

spider web



Herbal Perfume Base DIY

It’s really nice to have an herbal oil or herbal extract as your natural perfume base because it adds another layer of scent and benefits to your perfume. It also lessens the amount of essential oils you need in your perfume, making the end product more affordable and sustainable. Essential oils are wonderful, therapeutic, beautiful gifts from the earth, but they should be used sparingly as their production can and does take an environmental toll in some cases. Sandalwood, for example, has become endangered due to over harvesting and some other environmental factors, which is also why its price has been steadily and substantially increasing. It often takes an enormous amount of botanical material to make an essential oil, and the more material it takes the more expensive the resulting essential oil. Rose and Jasmine (link is to an absolute) are classic examples of this, and one way around the steep environmental and personal financial price, is to make an oil or extract from the flowers yourself. It takes 60,000 rose blossoms to make 1 oz of rose essential oil, and it takes even more Jasmine than that, but to make an oil or extract, you can use a lot less and end up with a great product although not as potent. Vanilla is another great herb to use as an oil or extract because vanilla can’t be made into an essential oil, it can be made into an absolute which is generally found already mixed with jojoba oil, so using it in an alcohol based perfume is not rose and vanilla in oilrecommended other than as an extract itself. I like to make my perfumes that are alcohol base with vanilla extract, then add essential oils to it. You don’t need to just pick one herb though, you can add herbs together for a unique, multidimensional scent as your base, then layer in the essential oils to create something completely your own~ a true signature scent.

Today I made rose vanilla oil and rose vanilla extract for my perfume bases. The extract will take 4-8 weeks to cure, but the oil is ready in a few hours (thanks to the quick method) so I can start experimenting with some fall scents right away. Below is what I did, but remember that you can do this with any botanical ingredient that you like. If you have something growing near you that isn’t found as an essential oil, I especially encourage you to try working with that and seeing what kind of special, local scent you can create full of originality and terroir. Go for it!

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Thank you for reading/watching and I hope you are inspired to create your own multilayered natural perfume or cologne with an herbal base. Let me know what your favorite combinations are~ I’d love to hear!


Infused Witch Hazel

I wanted to show you the end of the process since I showed you the beginning a few weeks back. This is the witch hazel after four weeks of infusion. The witch hazel has clearly been infused with all the beneficial qualities of the rose petals and calendula because the color of the liquid has turned from crystal clear to a deep, warm orange. I prepped some for a facial toner with geranium and carrot seed essential oils, and left the rest without any essential oils in case I needed it for an after sun spray, in which case I’ll use lavender and peppermint essential oils instead.

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Witch hazel is anti-inflammatory, soothing, cleansing, and balancing to skin alone, but infusing it with botanicals makes it a medium for adding more antioxidants, healing, and enhancing properties to your skin. It’s also just fun and so rewarding to see the color change that takes place when infusing it with herbs, so it makes for a particularly good green beauty craft for young teens/tweens and it’s also gentle enough for them to actually use.

Thank you for reading and watching! I also added a couple of other new videos on YouTube on making natural perfumes if you are interested in actual recipes. Watch the alcohol based version first because in the oil based body perfume video I tell you how to (somewhat) alleviate a problem with essential oil perfumes that I bring up in the first one~ the fact that products made with essential oils just don’t stick around as long as chemical fragrances due to their ‘alive’ and volatile natures.

Happy holiday week to all the Canadians and Americans and anyone else out there who has a holiday this first week of July :0).


Infusing Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a great ingredient to have in your natural beauty cabinet. It is anti-inflammatory, soothing and healing, great for acne and other skin conditions, balances pH, and can be used to cleanse the skin. It is most often used as a toner, the step between cleansing and applying serum and/or moisturizer, and can be mixed with other ingredients to create a more multidimensional product. I have shared a couple of toner recipes here already, this more basic one and this one with a glycerine infusion, but you can also infuse the witch hazel itself with herbs to customize it for your particular needs. I like to infuse witch hazel with green tea for toner concoctions, but for this tutorial I’m infusing healing herbs for after sun spray for a class I’m giving later in the month.

If you follow me on instagram, you might already know that I’ve chosen to infuse two herbs into witch hazel intended for after sun spray. Calendula and rose are both well-known skin herbs that add extra healing qualities to the witch hazel and essential oils (added later) for sun damaged skin. Either one would be a great choice, but since I happen to have both of the herbs in stock, I am using both. After the infusion sits for 2-4 weeks, I will strain the herbs from the witch hazel, pour the liquid into spray bottles, then add essential oils. It’s surprisingly easy to do, just like making a tincture, and really the hardest part is straining it without making a royal mess.

Here’s how to infuse witch hazel:

You will need the following:

witch hazel infusion

Fill the jar about half full with the dried herbs, cover with enough witch hazel so that the herbs are completely saturated and there is at least an extra inch of liquid on top. Push the herbs down (they will float to the top) with a wooden chopstick until they are completely covered. Put a piece of plastic wrap over the cover if using a metal lid, otherwise just cover with a plastic lid and shake gently. Let it sit in a cool dry place for 2-4 weeks. The longer it sits, the stronger the infusion will be so wait the full 4 weeks if you can. Strain and use as is or add other ingredients such as aloe and/or essential oils such witch hazel infusion1as peppermint for cooling or lavender for skin healing (or both).

Store in a cool, dry place, preferably the refrigerator since it is specifically for over-sunned skin. It will feel especially cool and soothing if it is fresh from the fridge, and if you do put aloe vera gel or juice into the mixture, it really needs to stay in the refrigerator to last for about 10 days. If there is no aloe in it, it will last for longer, so you can count on it being potent for a good three months or more, assuming no stray germs got into it during the creation process.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the sun safely! Please share with anyone prone to over-sunning themselves in the summertime.


Peppermint Perks

(Featured image courtesy of New Hope Network)

If you have ever grown peppermint in your garden, you already know that it is an herb that likes to multiply and thrive. I like to think that its natural abundance has to do with its bountiful health benefits, especially in the summertime. Although sometimes associated with winter because of candies and cocoa, peppermint is actually a great herb for summer because it can cool the skin after too much sun, and ease foot and leg pain from too much activity. Of course, peppermint is great year round, but since we are quickly approaching summer and it might already be prolifically growing in your yard, I thought I’d share parts of this article by Jessie Shafer, RD from the New Hope Network. As a reminder, I am a member of the New Hope Influencer Co-op, a network of health and wellness bloggers committed to spreading more health to more people.

I am also currently creating a class that includes peppermint for after-sun care, and I am debating having the class make a cooling body spray or a body butter or balm. Which would you prefer for sun-soaked skin? I’d appreciate the feedback! In the meantime, here are 7 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Peppermint from Jessie Shafer:

For centuries and in cultures around the world, mint has been used in similar ways: Ancient Egyptians prescribed mint to ease upset stomachs, and it was served as an after-meal digestive aid in ancient Greece and Rome. Both Chinese and Ayurvedic medical traditions also have relied on mint to relieve digestive distress.

1. Reduce daytime fatigue

A 2018 study of 24 participants with an average age of 25 years showed that those who were given a peppermint oil capsule experienced less fatigue during a cognitive test. In another study, participants who were in a room where peppermint oil was diffused showed significantly less daytime sleepiness than those who were in an odorless room.

2. Relieve menstrual cramps

As a proven muscle relaxant, peppermint may provide some relief from the pain associated with menstrual cramping. In a 2016 study, 127 women with chronic painful periods experienced reductions in the intensity and duration of menstrual pain. The outcome was just as effective with peppermint extract capsules as with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Nausea and diarrhea, however, were lower in the group taking peppermint than the group taking the pharmaceutical drug.

3. Unclog sinuses

Ever experience a cooling, opening effect on your airways after eating a breath mint or sipping peppermint tea? What you’re feeling is menthol—one of the active compounds in peppermint—at work. Research demonstrates that menthol improves the perception of airflow in your nasal cavity. Additionally, the antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties in peppermint may relieve infection-induced sinus clogging.

4. Calm an upset stomach

Animal studies show promise that peppermint eases pain in the digestive system by preventing smooth muscles in the gut from contracting. In a systematic review of nine research studies, which included more than 700 people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), treatment with peppermint oil for two weeks provided significantly better relief of symptoms than for those who took a placebo. Also, a review of 14 clinical trials involving 1,927 children and adolescents with gastrointestinal disorders showed that peppermint oil reduced the frequency, duration and severity of abdominal pain.

5. Decrease symptoms of seasonal allergies

Rosmarinic acid is a compound found in peppermint, as well as rosemary and other plants in the mint family. In one three-week study involving 29 people with seasonal allergies, those given a supplement containing rosmarinic acid ad fewer instances of itchy nose, itchy eyes and other allergy-related symptoms than those given a placebo. In an animal study, rats that suffered from allergic rhinitis—an irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose—experienced fewer allergic symptoms such as sneezing and itchy nose after being given peppermint extract.

6. Diminish tension headaches and migraines

Research has shown that peppermint oil induces a significant increase in blood flow of the forehead’s skin after local application, measured by laser Doppler, and provides a cooling sensation, possibly easing acute headache pain. In a 2010 study of 35 people with chronic migraines, the majority of whom were women, those who received peppermint oil aromatherapy applied to the forehead and temples showed a statistically significant reduction in pain after two hours, compared with those treated with a placebo oil. In another study involving 41 patients who experienced a combined total of 164 headaches during the trial, the effect of a locally applied peppermint oil preparation on tension-type headache was examined. In those patients, peppermint oil applied to the forehead was shown to be as effective as taking 1,000 mg of acetaminophen.

7. Fight bacterial infections

Peppermint oil has been shown to kill several types of bacteria that lead to human illnesses, such as E. coli, Staphylococcus and Klebsiella pneumoniae, a bacterium linked to pneumonia. Also, in one study, peppermint oil was found to kill and prevent the growth of common food-borne bacteria, such as Listeria, Salmonella and E. coli, in mango and pineapple juices. Further, in a systematic review of 52 relevant articles in the PubMed database, menthol from peppermint oil was found to reduce common bacteria living in the mouth that can lead to oral problems such as dental caries and periodontal disease.

How to make peppermint tea:

  1. Tear 5–10 organic peppermint leaves into pieces, and place them in a small tea strainer inside a teapot or cup.2. Bring 2 cups filtered water to a boil and pour over the strainer (the strainer should be submerged in the water); cover pot or cup and let leaves steep for 5 minutes.

    3. Using the back of a wooden spoon, gently bruise mint leaves to release their oils. Remove strainer, pressing the leaves to extract as much liquid as possible.

(End of article)

The above infusion is not just for drinking by the way, it can be added to a foot bath or a whole body bath for aches and pains. Peppermint foot soaks are a great way to relieve foot/leg fatigue from standing all day or extra activity time. As with all herbs, if you use peppermint for one thing, such as allergy relief, you still get a multitude of other benefits such as lifting of brain fog and fatigue, not to mention the anti-bacterial bonuses. I just love how wholly positive herbs are and how they truly enhance all aspects of life~ they are beautiful to look at and have around, and they offer even more beautiful benefits when we take them internally and apply them externally. How many other things in life are so buoyantly beneficial?

Thank you for reading and please share with anyone who might need ideas on using all the peppermint in their garden.


Make Your Own Insect Repellent

This is somewhat counter-intuitive, but bugs do not like essential oils. That always struck me as odd since bugs and plants seem like they should be natural friends, but I guess the strength of essential oils is off-putting to them. This works out really well for us because we can lather ourselves up with essential oil laced products and smell divine while playing in nature, without having to endure the nasty smells and questionable ingredients of over the counter bug sprays. Citronella is an essential oil that is already commonly used in mosquito repelling products such as candles, but there are other essential oils that can be just as effective and perhaps more appealing to put directly on your body and/or your clothes.

One way to take a precautionary measure before even getting dressed in the morning is to apply a body oil with essential oils on your arms, legs, and stomach. To make a body oil, you just need a base oil or a mix of base oils such as sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, or jojoba oil, and add whichever essential oils you want to wear. Almost any essential oil or blend of essential oils will deter bugs, but especially good picks are lavender, peppermint, thyme, and lemongrass. You will want there to be 5-7 drops of essential oils per 1 teaspoon of base oil. (There are 6 teaspoons in an ounce, so aim for 30-42 drops of essential oils per ounce.) Make sure to shake the mixture before blending, and allow time for the oil to dry before putting your clothes on for the day to avoid oil stains. This can be reapplied throughout the day, but it is probably easier to make a spray for day time reapplication.

To make a bug spray, add essential oils to distilled water in a spray bottle (preferably dark glass) in the same proportion as above, 5-7 drops of essential oils per teaspoon of distilled water. You can spray this as often as needed on yourself throughout the day and it will help deter bugs and also provide a nice little scent pick-me-up when you do so. Again, any essential oils will be helpful, but the ones mentioned above would be a great place to start. Of course, citronella is always an option too.


In Valerie Ann Wormwood’s book, The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, she gives this recipe for a great blend to keep away the little buggers:

4 drops Thyme

8 drops Lemongrass

4 drops Lavender

4 drops Peppermint

She recommends putting a couple of drops of this blend on a cotton ball at night and placing near open windows or around your head or body, especially while traveling. Another technique for traveling is to add a couple of drops to boiling water and placing it by an open window or if you are sitting outside, right on a table next to you. Even very hot water in a mug will dissipate the essential oils, so as long as you travel with an essential oil or two, or a blend like the one she suggests above, you don’t need to worry about a diffuser.

I actually do like to take a little terracotta diffuser with me when I travel. They are quite small and do not require any heat, so it’s a convenient option. These make cute little gifts as well, and are one way to easily use essential oils in your car or in other places where you don’t have the option to light a candle or use an outlet.

If you do happen to get bitten or stung by an insect, lavender can be applied neat to the area. Applying essential oils to the body without a carrier is 99% of the time NOT recommended, but lavender is one of the few that can be applied without a carrier and it actually is quite good for burns, bites, and other skin issues. Do use caution if you have sensitive skin though.

Thanks for reading and Happy May Day. The warming weather means more time outside and more potential encounters with insectss, so please share this article with anyone who might be interested in flower powered bug repellent.

In case you missed the links above, here’s more information on making your own body oil: and more details on making a body spray:

*This website has links to affiliations with amazon which provide a small incentive back to me. This helps to keep the information coming in such a way that is free to the reader. I only talk about products or services I truly love and believe in and hope this information brings every reader/watcher closer to their optimal health and wellness whether or not they buy anything through these links.



International Veggie and Grain Bowls

I once heard Lynne Rossetto Kaspar on The Splendid Table (when she was still the host) advise someone who wanted to learn to cook to simply start with sauteing seasonal veggies in olive oil on the stove top, make any grain product to go with it and add the two together. She also said that meat could be added if wanted, or beans or some other protein, but to start with what produce is in season and whatever grain product sounds good with it~ rice, quinoa, pasta, bread, couscous…you get the picture. I love that advice and how easily you can add herbs, spices, and sauces to create many different flavors while using the same basic foods and techniques. Spring is a perfect time to put her advice into action with simple grain bowls that can take on any region’s flavors with a few choice ingredients and happily, just one or two pots. Here are five recipes to take you on a world tour to add some cultural flavors without much fuss to your week.

The following parts of this post (until the last paragraph) were provided by New Hope Network. I am a member of the New Hope Influencer Co-op, a network of health and wellness bloggers committed to spreading more health to more people. These recipes were created by New Hope Network and Jane Burnett, RD, with photos by Jennifer Olson.

Recipe 1:

middle eastern bowl

Middle Eastern flavors: The cuisine of various countries in the Middle East—including Indian, Arab, Israeli, Greek, Persian, Turkish and Armenian food—is diverse, but typically used ingredients include chickpeas, olives, olive oil, rice, dates, honey, mint and parsley. Family-style eating, in which people take their food from a communal plate in the center of the table, is common in the Middle East. For authenticity sake, place the grain bowl components in the center of the table and let diners assemble their own.

Tahini-Chickpea-Pistachio Bowls 

Makes 6 servings; Vegan

For the Pickled Red Onions

2 cups water

½ cup red wine vinegar

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons agave syrup

2 cups thinly sliced red onions

For the Tahini cream

½ cup tahini

6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

¼ cup water

1 tablespoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

½ teaspoon salt

For the Bowls

1 pound cauliflower, cut into small florets

4 cups ¾-inch sweet potato cubes (2 medium)

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon yellow curry powder

½ teaspoon dried thyme

2 cups cold water

1 cup dry quick-cooking bulgur (TRY: Bob’s Red Mill)

1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

1/3 cup pitted and chopped kalamata olives

½ cup shelled, roasted pistachios

½ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley

  1. The night before serving, prepare Pickled Red Onions: In a saucepan over high heat, bring water, vinegar, salt and agave syrup to a boil. Remove from heat, and stir in sliced red onions. Let mixture cool to room temperature; then refrigerate overnight.
  2. Preheat oven to 400°. Prepare Tahini Cream: In a blender, combine all Tahini Cream ingredients; blend until smooth, and refrigerate until ready to use.
  3. In a large bowl, toss cauliflower florets and sweet potato cubes with oil, curry powder and thyme. Spread vegetables in a single layer on a baking sheet with no edges. Roast cauliflower and sweet potatoes for 30–40 minutes, stirring every 8–10 minutes, until tender and browned.
  4. In a pot over medium-high heat, bring 2 cups water and bulgur to a boil. Cover, and simmer for 12 minutes or until bulgur is tender. If bulgur is soggy after 12 minutes, reduce heat to low and cook 1–2 minutes more. Remove pot from heat, and stir in chickpeas and olives.
  5. To serve, divide bulgur mixture among bowls. Top with roasted cauliflower, sweet potatoes and Pickled Red Onions. Serve with a generous dollop of Tahini Cream, and garnish bowls with pistachios and parsley.

PER SERVING (1½ cups): 505 cal, 21g fat (11g mono, 7g poly, 3g sat), 0mg chol, 641mg sodium, 66g carb (14g fiber, 7g sugars), 16g protein

Recipe 2:

Mexican bowl

Mexican flavors: Mexican cuisine is primarily a fusion of indigenous Mesoamerican cooking with Spanish elements added in. Staples of the
food culture include corn, beans, avocados, tomatoes and chile peppers. This flavorful grain bowl incorporates all the familiar flavors of Mexican food, with a spicy, creamy polenta as the base.

Green Chile Cheese Polenta Bowls

Makes 5 servings; Gluten free, Vegetarian, Staff favorite

For the Black Bean Relish

1 (14.5-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained

2 Roma tomatoes; seeded and chopped

½ cup chopped red bell pepper

¼ cup diced red onion

1 ripe avocado; pitted, peeled and diced

1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

½ cup loosely packed fresh cilantro

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

¼ teaspoon salt

For the Polenta

4 cups water

½ teaspoon salt

1 cup polenta (corn grits or stone-ground whole cornmeal)

1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon butter

½ cup medium Hatch flame-roasted green chile (TRY: 505 Southwestern)

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 (5-ounce) package coarsely chopped kale

¼ teaspoon ground black pepper

½ cup pepitas, toasted

  1. Prepare relish: In a medium bowl, combine beans, tomatoes, bell pepper and red onion. Toss avocado with lime juice; add bean mixture along with cilantro, garlic, oil, vinegar and salt. Gently toss to combine, and set aside at room temperature.
  2. In a large saucepan, bring water and 1 teaspoon salt to a boil. Whisk polenta into the boiling water, and decrease heat to low. Simmer on low for about 15 minutes, whisking often until mixture thickens and corn granules are tender. Remove pan from heat, and stir in cheese and butter until melted. Stir in green chile, cover, and set aside.
  3. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon oil. Add kale, and sprinkle with pepper; sauté 3–4 minutes until kale starts to soften.
  4. To serve, divide polenta among bowls and top each with a portion of the sautéed kale and Black Bean Relish. Sprinkle with pepitas, and serve warm.

PER SERVING (1¾ cups): 551 cal, 23g fat (11g mono, 5g poly, 7g sat), 21mg chol, 762mg sodium, 68g carb (12g fiber, 3g sugars), 19g protein

Recipe 3:

Italian bowl

Italian flavors: Gathering and lingering over food is central to Italian culture.
The dishes employ simplicity, relying on high-quality ingredients rather than elaborate presentation. Many dishes feature tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, wine and cheese. A natural plant-based cuisine, modern Italian focuses on the nuances of its regions, though nationwide the emphasis is on food produced by the earth.

Italian Herbed Farro Bowls

Makes 6 servings; Vegetarian

2 cups uncooked farro

6 cups water

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 large fennel bulb, cut into 1 /8-inch slices

2 cups ¼-inch carrot slices (3 large carrots)

1 cup halved cherry tomatoes

1 cup dry white wine

½ teaspoon fennel seed, crushed

Juice and peel of 1 lemon, divided

1 tablespoon dried, mixed Italian herbs

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon ground black pepper

1 (5-ounce) package baby spinach

¼–½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

¼ cup snipped flat-leaf parsley

½ cup coarsely chopped almonds, toasted

¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese

  1. Rinse farro. In a large saucepan, place farro and water. Water should cover farro. Bring to a boil; then reduce heat and simmer until tender, stirring once or twice, about 30 minutes. Drain excess water.
  2. Meanwhile, in a very large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon oil. Add garlic and sauté until softened, about 3 minutes. Add another 1 tablespoon oil, along with sliced fennel and carrots. Reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring often, until vegetables are crisp-tender and browned, 10–12 minutes. Remove skillet from heat, and add tomatoes, wine and fennel seed. Return to heat, and cook until almost all the liquid has evaporated and tomatoes are tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in 2 tablespoons lemon juice, lemon peel, Italian herbs, salt and pepper. Remove from heat, and add spinach leaves; toss until spinach is slightly wilted.
  3. To farro, add remaining 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, red pepper flakes and parsley; toss.
  4. To serve, divide farro mixture among bowls and top with vegetable mixture. Garnish with almonds and Parmesan.

PER SERVING (1¼ cups): 322 cal, 13g fat (9g mono, 2g poly, 2g sat), 2mg chol, 354mg sodium, 35g carb (7g fiber, 5g sugars), 10g protein

Recipe 4:

Korean bowl

Korean flavors: Korean cuisine is steeped in agricultural traditions and known for having a lot of side dishes. Here we combine some of the most common flavors in one bowl. Kimchi—which is salted, seasoned and fermented cabbage and radishes—is used as a condiment and present at almost every Korean meal. Other frequently used ingredients include soy sauce, ginger, garlic, napa cabbage and gochujang, which is fermented red chile paste. Look for it in the Asian section of your local natural products store.

Spicy Korean Quinoa, Veggie & Tofu Bowls

Makes 6 servings; Gluten free, Vegan, Staff favorite

For the Citrus Soy Dressing

¼ cup fresh orange juice

3 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce or tamari

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon lemon zest

For the Bowls

1 (14-ounce) package extra-firm tofu, well-drained
and cut into ½-inch cubes

3 tablespoons gochujang (Korean fermented red chile sauce)

4 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 cloves garlic

8 ounces thickly sliced baby bella mushrooms

8 cups thinly sliced napa cabbage (1 medium)

4 cups sliced zucchini

½ teaspoon salt

4 cups hot, cooked quinoa

1 large, ripe avocado; sliced

¾ cup spicy kimchi

4 teaspoons black or white sesame seeds

Sriracha sauce (optional)

  1. Prepare Citrus Soy Dressing: Place all dressing ingredients in a jar with lid; close lid, and shake vigorously until blended. Refrigerate until needed.
  2. In a bowl, carefully toss tofu cubes with the gochujang; refrigerate from 30 minutes up to overnight. While tofu is marinating, prepare vegetables.
  3. Preheat oven to 400°. Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil, and rub generously with 2 tablespoons oil to prevent tofu from sticking. Spread tofu in a single layer on baking sheet. Bake tofu in lower third of oven for 10 minutes. Remove, and carefully turn tofu pieces over with a thin spatula.
    Bake another 10 minutes, remove and turn again. Bake another 5 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, in a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon oil. Add garlic and mushrooms; sauté 5–6 minutes or until mushrooms are tender and liquid has cooked off. Remove mushrooms to a plate, and set aside. Add remaining 1 tablespoon oil to same skillet, and reduce heat to medium. Add cabbage and sauté, stirring often, for 8 minutes. Add sliced zucchini and salt to skillet with cabbage. Continue to sauté until cabbage begins to brown and zucchini is tender but still bright green, about 8 minutes.
  5. To serve, divide hot quinoa among bowls. Top with piles of cabbage and zucchini mixture, mushrooms, baked tofu, avocado and kimchi. Drizzle 2 tablespoons Citrus Soy Dressing over each serving and sprinkle with sesame seeds and Sriracha, if using.

PER SERVING (1½ cups): 472 cal, 17g fat (9g mono, 6g poly, 2g sat), 0mg chol, 573mg sodium, 56g carb (8g fiber, 8g sugars), 18g protein

Recipe 5:

Thai bowl

Thai flavors: Balance and texture are paramount in Thai cuisine; most dishes contain elements of sweet, salty, spicy and bitter tastes. This dish hits all those familiar flavor spots: sweet from the apples and red peppers, salty and spicy from the peanut sauce and bitter from the brussels sprouts. Chef David Thompson, a Thai food expert, says that Thai cuisine—unlike many others—rejects simplicity and is about “juggling disparate elements to create a harmonious finish.”

Jasmine Rice, Edamame & Apple Bowls with Peanut Sauce

Makes 4 servings; Gluten free, Vegan

1 cup uncooked white or brown jasmine rice

1 cup frozen, shelled edamame

3 tablespoons coconut oil

4 cups trimmed and quartered brussels sprouts (1 pound)

1 large sweet red pepper, seeded and julienned

2 medium Granny Smith apples, julienned

½ cup purchased or Homemade Peanut Sauce (see recipe below to make your own)

½ cup coarsely chopped roasted peanuts

Fresh cilantro leaves

  1. Cook rice according to package directions. Add edamame to rice for last 3 minutes of cooking time. Remove from heat, but keep covered.
  2. In a large skillet, heat coconut oil. When oil is melted, sauté quartered brussels sprouts and red pepper slices until brussels sprouts are crisp-tender and bright green but starting to brown, 5–6 minutes. If skillet gets too dry, add a few tablespoons of water. Turn off heat, and cover skillet on stovetop to allow vegetables to steam for 2–3 minutes more.
  3. To serve, divide rice-edamame mixture among bowls. Arrange sautéed vegetables and apples over rice. Top each serving with 2 tablespoons purchased or Homemade Peanut Sauce*, and garnish with peanuts and cilantro.

PER SERVING (2 cups): 638 cal, 27g fat (10g mono, 6g poly, 11g sat), 0mg chol, 91mg sodium, 78g carb (14g fiber, 24g sugars), 18g protein

*Homemade Peanut Sauce: In a bowl, combine 1/3 cup natural peanut butter; 1 tablespoon each minced garlic, soy sauce or tamari, peanut oil, sesame oil and rice wine vinegar; 2 teaspoons honey and ¾ teaspoon ground ginger; whisk to combine. Add 5 tablespoons water and ¼ teaspoon Sriracha; whisk again.

Thank you for reading! I hope at least one of these bowls sounds tasty to you and inspires you to experiment. Please share with anyone who might need some new ideas on implementing more plant-based meals in their life.

Making the Most of Thyme

Plug in diffuser, candle diffuser, and essential oil

Thyme might not be one of the more popular essential oils, but it is a potent one to have and to use. Just as the herb is highly medicinal with recipes as old as Hippocrates’ using thyme for the respiratory system (see that recipe here if you missed it), the essential oil is an all around anti-germ powerhouse. In Valerie Ann Wormwood’s book, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, she includes thyme essential oil in her travel kit in order to use it to wipe down the sinks and counters and such of the places where she stays. It is indeed a great one to include in cleaning concoctions because it is antiviral, antibiotic, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic.

Thyme is great to inhale for its immune boosting and invader fighting properties. It is especially good for difficult viruses and superbugs such as the flu and MRSA. Diffusing the essential in the air is a great way to experience the healing benefits of thyme. In my ceramic diffuser which holds water on top, I add three to six drops of thyme and let the candle burn for no more that half an hour. In my water-less wood and glass diffuser, I add 15-20 drops of essential oils at a time.

Even better than just inhalation though, is to make a body oil with thyme and add that to your feet, or anywhere else on your body, so it soaks directly into your bloodstream.

Making a body oil is incredibly easy and really any vegetable oil will work, so if all you have available is olive oil, that’s completely fine, but jojoba and fractionated coconut oil are particularly good for soaking right into the skin quickly so you aren’t left with oily palms to deal with. You want about five drops of thyme essential oil per teaspoon of base oil. You can reuse a small glass bottle with the mixture and add it to your body three times per day, or add about a teaspoon of the mix to a hot bath. Thyme essential oil can also just be used in a bath straight, up to five drops in the tub, but do not use the essential oil directly on the skin (neat) without a carrier. Thyme can even be used in a shower by flinging a couple of drops onto the back wall of the shower stall, where no direct stream of water hits, and the steam will work with the essential oil quite beneficially.

Thyme essential oil is herb-y smelling and distinct, so it might not be one that a lot of people are drawn to right away when picking out essential oils, but it really is worth having around for it’s immune boosting and germ fighting properties. Perhaps that is why thyme has traditionally been associated with warriors and courage~ it is certainly an avid defender against invaders of all sorts. In fact, it is even a good one to add to blends for keeping away mosquitos and other bugs as well. Life circumstances have thrown me a bit lately and along with the jolt came a rather severe cold, so I’ve been very glad to have thyme around for both the fortitude and the immune boosting. My sister has been an even more important healer and helper at this time so I’ve been well taken care of during this rough patch.

Take care of yourselves, and of each other, and when you need a little extra green help, don’t forget thyme is on your side.