The Art and Craft of Herbalism

If you have been visiting this blog for a while now, you may have noticed I’m a big proponent of self-advocacy. We all have the ability to make choices that impact our health, and our lives, in big ways and small ways, and the more we acknowledge our role in how we feel as we age and what options we have for our specific body types and health issues, the more we can then assist our bodies in our natural abilities to heal ourselves, instead of getting in its way. We all know that when we are sick, we are more fatigued, so we sleep more which gives the body time and energy to heal. If we do not rest when sick, the sickness continues and secondary issues are more apt to erupt. The body knows what it needs to heal, and furthermore, the body doesn’t just want to be disease free, we all want to thrive and feel our best for as long as possible. Observing our own health quirks and naturally adding in herbs and supplements that gently assist our body’s healing abilities, is a great way to stay in touch with our own personal needs and help correct imbalances before they turn into a diseases.

When I worked at health food stores, my best guess is that at least 75% of the customers who walked in the doors asked for help. They wanted to know about the latest thing on Oprah or Dr. Oz, or something their friend told them about, or they were searching for help with a new diagnosis whether it was a loved one’s or their own. These people were all of the mindset that there were things they could do to improve their lives or the lives of their loved ones, and they were willing to ask. I think this shows we naturally want to improve ourselves, and the feeling of powerlessness that can accompany a modern diagnosis is one of the most defeating feelings one can have. Nobody wants to be at the mercy of a corrupt pharmaceutical industry nor depending on doctors that can only spend ten minutes at a time with you because of insurance regulations. That might very well be part of your reality, but it doesn’t have to be the whole picture. Whether you are sick or thriving, have mild chronic issues or extreme sporadic ones, you can absolutely assist in reaching your optimal health.

This is why I wrote my latest course, The Art and Craft of Herbalism. Our ancestors knew how to work with medicinal herbs daily out of necessity, just as they knew how to cook out of necessity. This course isn’t for everyone. I understand many people would rather just buy what is on the shelf at their local store, or order something online, just as some people would rather buy their meals rather than cook them. But for those that want to create their own herbal medicines or even just have a better understanding of how it is done, then this course is for you. And for the record, I do a lot more buying off the shelf than making myself, but it is incredibly empowering to make my own herbal medicines when I want something specific that I can’t find, or I’m eager to save money. It’s far less expensive to grow your own herbs that you then use, but I don’t go that far back to basics in this particular course. There is still quite a bit of money to be saved by buying loose herbs instead of ones already boxed or bottled or tableted up for use. It’s incredibly easy to make tinctures, oils, balms, and other herbal concoctions, just as simple, natural ingredients can be put together to make beautiful, nutritious, and delicious meals. Herbal concocting is an art and a craft which lends itself beautifully to the cooking analogy I’ve been employing here, and considering the ‘home herbalist’ is also known as a ‘kitchen witch’, I’m certainly not the first to notice the similarities.

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If you are a maker, creator, artist, herbalist, or just plain curious, I’d like to invite you to take the course. Those of you who subscribe to this blog with your email address have already gotten a coupon code to take the course for free (let me know if you have not). If you follow this blog in the wordpress reader and would like to take the course for free and hopefully give me constructive feedback, (pretty please), I’d be happy to send you the code. Just send me your email address and let me know who you are in terms of wordpress-land and I’ll email you back with the code and my gratitude.

However you choose to live your life, I hope it is deeply fulfilling to your heart and soul, and blessing you with the thriving health you want. I’d love it if you shared this with anyone who might benefit from it and and please subscribe for weekly posts about herbs, natural health, and green beauty.

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