Toner is used to balance the skin’s pH after cleansing, and it can be made from a multitude of natural ingredients, which makes it especially easy to blend your own at home. You can even just simply use a hydrosol as a toner, or witch hazel, or even just make green tea, let it cool, then bottle it and spray it on your face/body. (That green tea toner needs to be kept in the fridge and should be used within three days.) I like making toners that have more ingredients in them because I enjoy getting as many benefits out of my products as possible, and infusing those ingredients with herbs makes them even more nutrient dense and beneficial. My first toner recipe is very similar to the one below, but this time I first infused vegetable glycerin (also spelled glycerine) with rose buds to get all those wonderful rosy healing attributes as well as the gorgeous color and scent. You certainly don’t have to do this, but adding glycerin to your toners or other products makes them more emollient and protective because it brings the moisture from the air into your skin and adds a protective layer to the skin as well. Food grade glycerin can be taken internally as well, and makes for a kid-friendly extract because it’s sweet and alcohol free. Aloe is a firming agent and can be used alone as a mask on your face for quick toning and firming action. Witch Hazel is astringent and pH balancing and can also be infused with herbs. I used Geranium essential oil because it is good for all kinds of skin, and Carrot Seed essential oil for the vitamin A. I added a drop of Turkish Rose essential oil to complement the rose infused glycerin. Use whatever essential oils you like best, no more than 10 drops in 4 oz. of liquid though, and less than that if your skin is sensitive. This actually smelled quite nice without the essential oils but I like the therapeutic effects of the ones I added, but do start with smaller amounts if you are new to making your own skin care.
Recipe for Rose infused Glycerin:
Fill a jar 1/2 to 3/4 full with rose petals or whatever herb you are using. If using buds like I did, bruise and chop them up a bit first.
Add a mixture of vegetable glycerine and distilled water in a proportion of 1/4 distilled water to 3/4 glycerin. If you are using fresh herbs, no distilled water is needed.
Make sure the herbs are covered completely, shake them up daily for two weeks, then strain. Glycerin is ready to use.
The rose buds I used went from dark pink to white in about 24 hours. I was so surprised! Keep both the marinating product and finished product out of heat and light.
4 oz. Bottle (dark glass preferable)
1/4 C Witch Hazel
1/8 C Aloe Vera gel
1 teaspoon rose infused glycerin (or plain glycerin)
Distilled water (enough to almost fill the bottle, just leave room for the essential oils if using)
1-2 drops Turkish Rose essential oil
4 drops Geranium essential oil
4 drops Carrot Seed essential oil
Put the first four ingredients in a dark glass bottle and shake it up. Add the essential oils (if using) and roll the bottle in your hands to blend. Shake before using.
Be sure to label your bottle and write down your recipe.
Making your own toner is a great place to start with DIYing your natural beauty regimen because it can be as effortless as one ingredient, and it’s hard to go wrong. Start simple and add ingredients as you figure out what works best for your skin and your sense of smell. Most of all, have fun creating, and please subscribe for weekly posts about herbs, natural health, and green beauty, and please share with anyone who might benefit from this article.
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