Sourcing Your Essential Oils

People often assume I am involved in a multi-level-marketing (MLM) company when I talk about using essential oils, but I have never been part of one. I get most of my essential oils from Aura CaciaΒ which can be found at Whole Foods and other natural foods/products stores, and online or brick and mortar, or directly from their site.Β  They are part of Frontier Co-op whose sustainable practices are worthy of supporting. The essential oils are high quality and despite a common misconception, they are just as pure if not more so (because of sustainable practices) than MLM versions even though they do not advocate ingesting the essential oils as MLM companies often do. For one thing, ingesting essential oils can be harmful and should only be done under the guidance of a qualified naturopath or aromatherapist. Essential oils can dry out mucous membranes when taken internally and can cause other issues, some quite severe depending on the essential oil and the health/condition of the person. Second of all it is not in any way sustainable to use essential oils internally in a casual manner. Many plants, such as sandalwood, are already endangered due to essential oil production. Making essential oils is the most material-intensive way to use herbs, when there are often more eco-responsible and respectful ways to work with the herbs. Don’t get me wrong, I love essential oils and use them often as the only choice for certain herbal crafts, but I’m always conscious of what I’m doing and using. Companies that advocate dropping a drop or 2 of essential oils into all the glasses of water you drink, the teas and juices, the cakes and cookies and cocktails, etc, are really disconnected from the reality of what essential oils are. (You can make an herbal tea, water, shrub, etc without using the essential oil of the herb.) If you think about the fact that it takes 10,000 rose petals to fill one 5ml bottle, or 60 roses to create one drop of essential oil, you can get an idea of how special and potent essential oils are and how using them casually is not sustainable at all.

I also get essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs which has all your herbal crafting needs covered, but that is all online, unless you are Eugene, Oregon, and I like knowing I can get high quality essential oils at my local natural foods stores at any time. I do order straight from them as well and they actually sent me some holiday inspired essential oil recipes to share which I intend to make into videos this season, but thought I’d go ahead and post a recipe or two today for Thanksgiving hostess gifts. These are fun projects to do with kids too, but always be careful with kids since essential oils should not go directly on the skin so gloves are recommended. Here’s a holiday tree inspired room mist recipe from Aura Cacia:

4 drops sweet orange essential oil (e.o.)

8 drops balsam fir e.o.

8 drops pine e.o.

1 Tbsp. fractionated coconut oil

2 fl oz distilled water

2 oz glass bottle with a spray top

Mix together the ingredients and shake before spraying for a woody, sweet aroma

And here are Candy Cane Diffusion Salts

1 drop spearmint e.o.

1 drop vanilla in jojoba oil

2 drops peppermint e.o.

2 drops sweet orange e.o.

1/2 cup sea salt

Mix together and add to a festive bath, or set into a bowl and let the scent diffuse into a room.

Thank you for reading and good luck staying sane as the holidays approach.




6 thoughts on “Sourcing Your Essential Oils”

  1. I have been using store bought diffusion salt in our bedroom & bathroom, now I would like to make one with my favorite essential oils. πŸ™‚
    Thanks so much for sharing how precious these essential oils are, and how mindful we need to be while using them.

  2. Thanks, Kristen. I’m happy to read about EO as I will probably be using more and more of them. I have seen the company Mountain Rose Herbs before…so it is nice to have an endorsement from you πŸ™‚
    I hope that you rolled through the holidays with a peaceful heart. I won’t lie…I am happy they are over. And I am happy for this new year. Sending you all good things <3


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