Online Courses and Immune Supporting Herbs

I hope everyone is staying well as the cold and flu season kicks in. I’ve increased my astragalus intake and echinacea is on my list to buy to have on hand, just in case. Astragalus is an adaptogenic herb that is best known for its immune boosting properties. It is the kind of herb that works best long-term, so taken in smallish amounts over the course of the winter months for example, or anytime of year where you find yourself fighting a disease, bacteria, or virus. It is safe for kids too and can be found in kids’ formulas. Echinacea on the other hand is not for long term use. It is best used when you feel yourself getting sick with a cold or flu, and helping you to fight it for the duration of the cold/flu, but then you stop taking it when you have recovered. Using astragalus in a larger amount than the maintenance protocol can also help you during a viral or bacterial situation, but that is not traditionally its best use. Another immune boosting option is a medicinal mushroom such as reishi. I’m going to make a crystal ball prediction that medicinal mushrooms will be the next group of herbs to climb the trendiness ladder which the adaptogens currently dominate. I see they are already increasing in popularity lately as people search for immune support through cold and flu season, as well as for support through serious illnesses such as cancer. These mushrooms just might be my next mini-course.

Speaking of my courses, I wanted to give everyone a head’s up that this is the last week that my online courses will be completely free. I am still working out how to best get the ingredients for the classes out to students so the courses will soon include an option to purchase kits with the classes so people don’t have to go searching for the herbs, essential oils, and other ingredients. All the materials will instead arrive at their door and the classes will truly be hands-on and time-friendly then. In the meantime, you can go through the classes for free with all the information presented first, then (usually) a demo video after the information. I say usually because the adaptogens mini-course is purely informational at this point, though that might change in the future. The courses do include links so you can order the ingredients as you go through them, but I want to make kits readily available so you aren’t buying more than you need and everything comes at one time. So far I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback on the courses and been able to make some improvements thanks to the many comments. The most popular course so far has been How to Make Natural Perfumes with Essential Oils and it was actually the first one I made. It covers the basics of essential oils vs. fragrances and how essential oils are made, how to blend for scent and/or emotional and mental support, and how to actually make alcohol or oil based perfume and solid perfume, and more. The adaptogens one was next because as popular as adaptogenic herbs have become, there still seems to be a lot of confusion on them. The mini-course covers why adaptogens are so popular now (hint~ it has to do with chronic stress in the modern age), what systems in the body are effected directly and indirectly, and five popular adaptogens with their traditional uses. The Art and Craft of Herbalism is the latest one I finished (I’m working on more to be released soon!) and has recipes and instructions on how to make herbal concoctions at home, including infusions, extracts, oils, syrups, and more. It’s a real DIYer’s herbal handbook.

Here are the promos for each course:

How to Make Natural Perfumes with Essential Oils:

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The Art and Craft of Herbalism:

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Take care of yourselves in every single way that fills you up. Keep in mind self-care should include mind, body, and spirit. Please share this with anyone who might be interested, and if you haven’t already, please subscribe for weekly wellness delivered to your inbox.

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