Fragrance vs. Essential Oils

Today I’d like to share a few minutes of my workshop on making your own natural perfumes with essential oils. What I’m sharing below explains why it is important to be conscious of the fragrances we are inundated by, and also how beneficial essential oils are to our physical, mental, and emotional bodies and to the earth as a whole. There are two main reasons I make my own body oils, perfumes, and salves~ to avoid fragrances and to enhance my overall health with essential oils. The sad truth is, there is no way to avoid fragrances completely because they are everywhere, but you can absolutely very easily avoid them in your personal care routine. By not having artificial fragrances in the products you wear on your body all day/every day, you will be taking a huge step in a cleaner, greener, healthier body and environment.

This is what the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has to say about it: –“Fragrance”: Federal law doesn’t require companies to list on product labels any of the chemicals in their fragrance mixture. Research from EWG and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found an average of 14 chemicals in 17 name-brand fragrance products, and none of them was listed on the label. Fragrances can contain hormone disruptors and are among the top five allergens in the world. Our advice? Look for products that disclose their fragrance ingredients. From:

I made the perfume pictured with vanilla extract that I’ve been curing for about four months. Once you know the proportions and the ingredients that can be used, it’s easy to then take it a step further with infusing the oil and/or alcohol with herbs for scent or other healing or aesthetic reasons, such as making rose oil for your base, or concocting a bay rum cologne. It’s extremely easy to get started right away though with simple ingredients you have in your kitchen right now. As long as you have an essential oil or two on hand, you can make yourself a perfume in less than five minutes. Here’s the quick and dirty on why limiting your exposure to artificial fragrances matters:

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Happy New Year~ I hope it’s a healthier, happier, greener year for everyone. Please share this with anyone you know who might be interested, and please subscribe for weekly wellness posts.

2 thoughts on “Fragrance vs. Essential Oils”

  1. I’ve been buying fragrance-free everything for many years due to severe allergic reactions to artificial fragrance. Even some “natural” products have strong fragrances and I have to avoid those as well.


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