Eco-Friendly Beauty Companies

No one has time to make all their own beauty products, so it’s nice to know which companies are truly ‘natural’ and also have a sustainable mission that guides their work. If a company claims to be all natural but doesn’t care about their impact on the natural world, then something is clearly amiss. These four companies highlighted by Delicious Living’s Jessica Rubino are a great place to start. I personally use a lot of evan healy products because they are effective, smell great, and are clean and green. I first heard of the product line when I read the book No More Dirty Looks and I’ve been using some (off and on) ever since. We also have used Badger sunscreen face sticks in the summer for years. One thing to remember is that a little goes a long way with these products, especially when it comes to face oil, so start small then add more if needed. You can always blot some off with a tissue if after ten minutes you feel shiny or greasy at all.

argonfaceoilBadger Argan Face Oil

Buying this nourishing, totally clean, USDA Organic product also supports B Corp values, which for Badger means concern for employees, from on-site child care to organic lunches.


California Scrub Co. Spicy Chai


This small company blends essential oils with upcycled coffee grounds to create luscious scrubs packaged in glass jars—sustainable from start to finish.



Evanhealy Blue Cactus Beauty Elixir




Unique ingredients from small farms, women’s co-ops and other community-focused sources combine in lovely,  handmade organic products, including this elixir.



True Botanicals Renew Pure Radiance Oil


Clinical trials plus a team of scientific advisers back the company’s vision for natural products that really work. A double-blind study showed that this pick, made with organic oils, improves skin hydration and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.



Enjoy your weekend and the next time you need to buy a beauty product, look for something that makes you also feel good on the inside too and you’ll get twice as much out of it. The earth will thank you as well as your skin. Cheers to you and please subscribe for weekly posts about herbs, natural health, and green beauty, and please share this with anyone who might be interested.


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