
The other day I was at my neighborhood grocery store, a big chain that caters to every walk of life imaginable and carries everything from shoes to light bulbs to cheese and chicken. It is generally a place where customers walk around in a zombie state, focused on their lists and phones, especially this time of year when minutes are short and stress levels are high. It is not a place where I expected to connect with strangers over herbs, and yet, herbs are able to provide connection in the unlikeliest of places turning a mundane chore into a delight at a distracted hour. Here’s what happened:

I happened to be buying two boxes of herbal teas (Yogi brand) among my frozen foods and paper towels, and the cashier, a young, edgy looking woman with numerous visible tattoos and hair shaved on the side in a modern take on the 80s punk sort of way, squealed and grabbed the licorice one and said it was her favorite. I said it was indeed a good one and both my sons’ favorite to which she replied that they shouldn’t drink too much of it because of the estrogen content. (I have not looked into the truth of her statement but my sons don’t drink enough to worry about that anyway). Intrigued, I asked her if she studied herbs and she responded only as much as what she’s interested in, and since that tea happened to be her favorite she looked into those herbs and then she proceeded to tell me everything she knew about herbs with a radiant smile and sparkling eyes. Clearly a passion. I was a tad worried that the woman behind me was getting annoyed at our chatting so I looked behind me to see if she was OK and saw a conservatively dressed older woman positively rapt and ready to jump into the conversation. As soon as I turned towards her, she started talking about the dandelions in her yard and how she harvests them and cooks with them and shared her recipe for jams she makes from foraged foods. Three women at different ages and stages connecting over how herbs show up in our lives~ we could have been at an outdoor Roman market in ancient times, some things do not ever need to change.

It was so fulfilling to be in the midst of these strangers sharing and the fact that herbs are what led the three of us to connect in an otherwise sterile situation was not lost on me. Herbs have a way of doing that, of connecting people through cooking, healing, crafting, gardening, and just pure passion. Herbs connect us to each other, to our past, and to the earth, and if we could follow the vines and roots they so elegantly share, we could reach such peaceful places and joyful collaborations.

May your holiday season be full of peaceful and joyful connections that continue through the new year and beyond.

Herbally yours, Kristen 🌿

6 thoughts on “Connection”

  1. Such a fantastic and inspiring article! I love this! And I love the connection between all of you and the visual that it could’ve been at a Roman market back in the day. Thank you for sharing!

  2. What a delightful experience! I had a similar encounter in my grocery store and it turned an otherwise mundane shopping trip into a friendly discussion. Wishing you and your family a Happy Holiday!

    • Thank you! I am so glad you had a similar experience recently! I love unexpected connections. Happy Holiday to you and your crew too!


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