
This is an herb that’s been on my mind lately due to the COVID-19 crisis but I was on the fence about sharing it. It’s an anti-viral, antibactierial, antifungal herb specific to the respiratory system (also great for urinary system) with historical anecdotal precedence as a flu fighter from the 1917-1918 pandemic. It is said that Native Americans took the root of lomatium to keep themselves healthy and in fact had low rates of the flu because of this herb. It can be taken for its immune boosting effects but is mostly used once respiratory issues start and then ceased once the issues are resolved. Sounds like the perfect COVID-19 herb, right?

The problem is it can give people an all-over rash, so it has not been used widely here because it’s impossible to know who will get the rash and who won’t. Most natural health practitioners who do use it start the dose off very small, such as three drops three times per day, then build up over a week, so the rash is less likely to present. If a rash does present, it goes away in about five to seven days.

I wanted to share this information because I have seen many herbal remedies targeting this virus popping up and if they do include lomatium (which would make perfect sense) you need to be aware that a rash might result. An herbalist I interned with used to make his own lomatium extract that he sold and he didn’t seem to have any customers complain about a rash, so I don’t know how widely the rash aspect occurs. I know Gaia Herbs stopped selling it but Herb Pharm still does, so it seems to be a fairly rare occurrence.

In other news, my move finally happened, so we are home-bound in a brand new location and taking the opportunity to walk our dog all over the area to get to know the ins and outs of our new stomping grounds. As for the house itself, there are not many plants in the yards actually, but a lot of lawn, so I’m hoping I can plant some herbs this spring. I had a couple of pictures I wanted to add here, but for some reason my computer won’t comply, but hopefully it will allow the pics later~ stay tuned for updates.

Here is a prayer for a pandemic that was shared in the New Hope Influencer Co-op of which I am a part. It’s written by a Seattle resident, Cameron Bellm, and has been on social media a few days now, but if you haven’t seen it, here it is:

Prayer for a Pandemic

May we who are merely inconvenienced

Remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors

Remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home

Remember those who must choose between preserving their health and making their rent.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close

Remember those who have no options.

May we who have to cancel our trips

Remember those who have no safe place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of our economic market

Remember those who have no margin at all.

May we who settle in for a quarantine at home

Remember those who have no home.

As fear grips our country,

let us choose Love.

During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other,

Let us find ways to be the loving embrace of (our higher power) to our neighbors.


Take care everyone and remember that ‘this too shall pass’. I do wonder though if this is merely the first in a new era of pandemics. With overpopulation, superbugs, and global climate change, I have to wonder if this will become a new natural disaster that we’ll start planning for and dealing with on a semi-regular basis. Just a thought….what do you think?

Immune System and Moving

Hello from the land of Limbo! I’ve been stuck in a moving delay with most of our stuff moved over to the next house and some essentials keeping us at the old house and quite frankly it’s been rather stressful and discombobulating. Add this to the whole living and working in the center of US’s coronavirus outbreak (Kirkland, Washington) viewfromworkand it’s been a wild ride for the last few weeks. Our schools are still in session, but all the businesses around here are insisting their workers telecommute which has at least been a boon for traffic. All the trips I’ve made between the two houses trying to locate our things has at least been through less congestion. Counting all the blessings I can at this point.


No one seems to know exactly how panicked everyone should be~ debates rage on if this all overblown to this isn’t being taken nearly seriously enough. All we can do is take personal responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones and boost our immune system with the usual suspects: elderberry, astragalus, medicinal mushrooms, echinacea if getting sick, essential oils in a variety of ways, and general good sense. Probiotics are also smart, as is vitamin C, zinc, and pretty much any herb used in any way is going to be healthy for your immune system so if you are cooking at home, go heavy on the herbs and spices. Adaptogens help with stress, nervines with anxiety, and of course there’s CBD for all of it if that works for you. In other words, you don’t have to feel helpless and panicky. There are many natural ways to help us all move through these trying times. Now only if they would help move the last of my things to the new house, that’d be magical. ladybug

But, no worries, the movers are supposed to finish up this Friday the 13th…what could possibly go wrong?

Stay healthy, XO


New(ish) Products

Most of these products are new to me, although I know at least one of these has been around for at least a year or so, hence the ‘ish’. Here are my (and one of my son’s) favorites from the most recent New Hope Blogger Box.

Our favorite were the vegan Mexican dips by Zubiate Foods including queso, crema, and salsa (which is the only one that is not normally already vegan). These are not things we normally eat so when I asked my son if he thought the queso tasted like regular cheese-y queso, he said he had never had it before so he didn’t know but he really liked it. I tried it and it did taste like queso I’ve had if my memory serves me right, but more importantly, it really is delicious. We weren’t sure what to do with the crema but it turned out to be our favorite! It was also the best smelling and since neither of us really knew what to expect from ‘crema’ and were pleasantly surprised. It was so good! The salsa was tasty and spicy. We are used to salsa and this one was a delicious one, though probably a bit spicier than we would choose for a long chow session. The mix of the three with chips were really just right though! If you are vegan or simply avoiding dairy, I definitely recommend trying these for a fun snack or part of a full Mexican meal. I’m sure others can get a lot more creative with them than just the chips we paired them with, but my brain is currently filled with trying to find a place to move into so chips and dip were all I could muster.

Speaking of brains, this adaptogenic herb is also known to boost brain power. If you know one adaptogen, it’s most likely this one, ashwagandha, because it seems to be the most popular also the most versatile one in terms of helping the most amount of issues in the widest amount of people. It is also referred to as Indian Ginseng (actual Ginseng is also an adaptogen but has a greater effect on testosterone and can cause issues because of it. It is generally recommended that only men over 25 take it, and over 40 benefit the most from it. Women seem to tolerate it at any adult age.) Ashwagandha on the other hand has a more mellow effect and is far more about balance. It is recommended for mood stabilizing as well as stress management, and one way it does that is by stabilizing cortisol which most people know as one of the major ‘fight or flight’ hormones and has been recently documented to play a big role in holding onto belly fat. Ashwagandha is also the best adaptogen to help with sleep issues as well as helping with long term energy levels during the day time. This ashwagandha supplement by Youtheory is an easy way to get it into your daily life.

CBD is still having its day (years?) in the spotlight, and these by Hemp Fusion are intelligent mixes with thoughtful ingredients. The stress one actually has ashwagandha in it, no surprise there! They also sent a sleep one and an energy one, both of which I tried and I can attest to a lovely night’s sleep with the sleep one, but the energy one is harder to quantify. It might have been what helped me walk my dog this evening when I really would have preferred to sit on the couch with a magazine, but it really is hard to say. It didn’t make me buzzy or jumpy, that’s for sure. How are you guys feeling about CBD at this point? I’m curious as to what people are experiencing with it, or if they haven’t tried it yet, and if not, why? Let me know in the comments or contact me please :0).

The facial products from Probulin are a unique concept although I have heard before that putting probiotics on the face is beneficial, usually in the form of yogurt or kefir based facial masks. I am excited to try the entire line they sent because the ingredients look top quality as they are free of GMOs, sulfates, glycols, parabens, phthalate, sythetic fragrances, and they are cruelty free too. They really seem to have put together some products with the concept of ‘don’t put on your body what you wouldn’t put into your body’ in mind. I’ll have to let you know how my skin reacts once I use the line for a few days, but goodness knows that after this rough year I could use some intense facial therapy! I’ve tried everything once or twice as of last night, and so far so good. My skin feels healthy and the products go on nicely. I think the cleanser is my favorite for the way it leaves my skin feeling clean but not stripped.

The product that made me write the ‘ish’ on new in the title is Lively Up Your Breath‘s breath freshener because I wrote about it almost exactly two years ago in this post. It’s a unique breath freshener, not a mint, gum, or even spray. Instead it is a liquid filled capsule that you pop in your mouth and then break (it breaks easily pressing your tongue against your mouth) and the minty liquid does its thing. It’s strong and effective.

If you try any of these, please let me know what you think! I might not be writing here for a couple of weeks because I’m going to be moving soon so life will get hectic and the internet might get tricky, but I’ll still be reading emails and comments so please contact me anytime! And wish me luck with finding a place to live and moving for the first time in over 12.5 years. My kids grew up in this house so besides the fact there is a lot of stuff to pack up, there are even more memories and emotions that will be surfacing, boxing, and/or releasing. I’m saving the ashwagandha and stress CBD for the toughest days ahead.

Bye for now! XOXO

Immune Support

As if there isn’t enough fear mongering about the regular old flu, now this year we have to worry about the coronavirus too. Luckily there are plenty of immunomodulators and immune boosters in the herbal world to help keep us stay healthy despite the extra viruses and germs that love to play their games in the wintertime. Immunomodulators are herbs that help the immune work optimally in any condition, so if you have an overactive immune system for example, an immunomodulator will help take it down a notch, but if your immune system is suppressed and sluggish, or just fighting off too many invaders at once, an immunomodulator will help beef up the system. An immune booster has one direction it acts in, it boosts an immune system that needs reinforcements. An immunomodulator can be used all winter long, but a booster is used when you feel yourself coming down with something, or you know you are inundated with germs around you such as at a school with lots of sneezing-coughing-touchy kids around you, and you do not have an overactive immune system issue such as crohns disease, endometriosis, graves disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or any others. You use a booster when you first feel like maybe you might be coming down with something, the sooner you start the better, and then use it through the sickness and a day or two after, then stop. Even if you still get sick, the herbs will help you recover more quickly and not get as sick, kind of like a light version of the virus. If you are lucky and able to rest a bit in those early moments, the herbs just might kick your immune system into gear enough to beat it before it has the chance to take you down at all. The most popular of these herbs is the familiar echinacea, and with good reason. It packs a powerful punch if you get it in at the start of a sickness. The most popular immunomodulator is astragalus. My herbal mentor always said that in China, grandmothers put a slice of astragalus in thier soups all winter long to keep everyone in their families healthy. This is a slice the dried root:astragalusI use the powdered version myself and put it in my sons’ and my smoothies in the mornings. Mushrooms are incredible for the immune system and can seriously overhaul an immune system within three to six months. I have a post on them here and you can check out this website for more information about mushrooms from their biggest supporter and fan and founder of Fungi Perfecti, Paul Stamets

One thing all those herbs above have in common is that they are an *acquired* taste. You can take any of them in capsule form of course, but tinctures and teas are best for avoiding the questionable digestive system and being sure to get the herbal goodness into your blood stream. That’s where elderberry shines. Elderberry is an herb you can take all winter long and also will help fight a cold or flu once it has taken hold. (You just take a higher dose if you feel you are coming down with something, and continue with the higher does until it has been gone a day or two.) And elderberry isn’t a root or rhizome or mushroom like the others mentioned, it’s a berry, which means it’s berry delicious! OK, maybe it’s not going to be your favorite fruit, but as far as immune boosting herbs goes, it is the top flavor winner any old day, especially among kids. I had my sons try a sample that I was just sent of elderberry gummies and both liked them a lot and one threatened to eat the whole bottle right then and there so they are definitely a hit (which apparently I will need to hide and dole out in a reasonable fashion). They sent a syrup too, and elderberry syrup is a classic way to take the herb as well so I’m excited to see how my boys like that one. If you have kids who are around other kids, I highly suggest adding elderberry into their winter wellness repertoire, and it certainly doesn’t hurt us adults either!

Another thing I would like to also mention is that cooking with herbs, any herbs, is going to boost the health of the meal and contribute to your own health. Almost all herbs found in the average kitchen cabinet have benefits ranging from antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, digestives, etc, that contribute to just a healthier life. It is well known that the star ingredient in Tamiflu is truly a star~ star anise that is. Many pharmaceuticals are in fact made with herbal foundations, though of course by the time they are through with it and can patent a drug it is not a natural product anymore whatsoever, but star anise has been used for hundreds of years for it’s health promoting properties and you can still work with the herb yourself at home all winter long. Adding such common herbs as thyme, oregano, and rosemary to your soups and sauces will impart excellent health-promoting properties, and of course the more garlic you cook with, the better! As Hippocrates famously said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine by thy food.”

Thank you Sambucol for the samples of elderberry gummies and syrup! We appreciate their taste as well as their immune support powers for sure because all three of us go to schools every day and there is so much sneezing, sniffling, and coughing right now that I am spraying my little room with an essential oil room spray after every single class period. I see kids using antibacterial hand goop all day long too and I really want to tell them that it’d be a lot more effective to boost their immune systems from the inside out instead of relying on that quick ‘fix’.

Stay well out there friends! Spring is on its way….

Enzymes and Probiotics for Digestive Health

This time of year can be rough on our digestive systems with rich foods and drinks, plus an extra dose of stress which can cause digestive distress with even the best of diets. It’s no wonder January is the time for resolutions and high motivation, because as fun as celebrating and indulgence can be, if it makes us feel unwell, we innately want to heal ourselves. It seems to just be human nature. Actually, more like nature nature, or life nature, or however you want to call it because it’s not just humans who intuitively curl up and focus on healing when they need to. We don’t have to hermit ourselves away in a cave with nuts and berries though, we can get through the season of indulgence with a little less bloating and a little more health with a couple of natural helpers: enzymes and probiotics.

Enzymes are found in our bodies, saliva, and fresh fruits and vegetables. They are one of the main reasons raw foodists (those on a raw foods diet) tout eating raw foods only. Cooking kills enzymes, and certainly processing and packaging does as well. Needless to say, most of us do not get the quantity of enzymes that we used to in our diets, nor enough to keep our digestive system working optimally. You may have heard about enzymes in regards to juicing as well, because fresh juice has a bunch of them, but then they quickly die off which is why fresh juice is supposed to be so much better than bottled juice. Enzymes can also be taken in supplement form, or bitters can be taken to encourage your own body to produce its own enzymes before eating. Both forms of supplementation should be taken before meals, usually about ten minutes before eating is optimal. There are different kinds of enzymes, so if you want a broad array, pick one with many listed, or if you are interested in just one or two for specific reasons, such as lactase to break down lactose, you can find those as well. Personally, I like Rainbow Light’s enzymes because they have a broad spectrum and additional herbs to help digestion.

Bitters usually come in a dropper or spray form, and the taste is important so you leave the liquid in your mouth a few seconds before swallowing. My favorite are Herb Pharm’s classic Better Bitters. If you suffer from food intolerances, even just mild ones, enzymes and/or bitters supplementation can help. Enzymes help break down the food so the digestive system can handle it properly and assimilate it optimally. Too large of pieces slow down the digestion, resulting in buildup and bloating. When you take in enzymes, or use bitters, you are priming your body for the work it needs to do, and assisting it.

Probiotics work deeper down in the digestive tract and should be taken after meals or between meals. Probiotics are the good bacteria in the intestines which help break down food there, and help keep the bad bacteria and yeast in check. Probiotics are talked about in terms of balance because the correct flora balance in the intestines is key to good health throughout the body. It is always important to take probiotics after a round of antibiotics because those kill probiotics and upset the flora balance in the intestines, which can lead to bad bacteria or yeast (candida) taking hold. Probiotics are found in fermented foods such as kombucha, kefir, yogurt, and kimchi. Eating and drinking these foods can be helpful, but most western diets have a negative cumulative effect on the good intestinal flora in the first place from eating too many processed foods and not enough fresh foods which contain prebiotics that the probiotics need to survive and thrive. And of course sugar has a negative impact on intestinal flora by fueling the harmful bacteria and yeast.

A balanced intestinal environment leads to healthy digestion with less bloating and gas, and improved immune system. It has also been linked to better mental and emotional health with the gut being named ‘the second brain’. As with enzymes, there are many types that can be taken in a pill, so picking one with a broad array of strains and a high potency is recommended. Many people change brands each time they buy a new bottle in order to introduce the broadest spectrum of probiotics to their bodies, but if you find one that works well for you, there is no need to abandon it. My two favorites are Vsl3 and Visbiome. The one pictured above with given to me as a sample and is focused primarily on the immune system.

There are other digestive helpers out there, but these are a great place to start to get through the richness of the holiday season which can be especially tough on those with food intolerances or other digestive issues.

Stay healthy and enjoy the season.

Immune Support for School Days

School started less than a month ago and all three of us in this house have already caught a cold. It isn’t just us either, people all over are discussing their kids being out sick or they themselves are coughing and reaching for tissues. Schools are just bacteria and virus playgrounds and no amount of hand washing nor desk cleaning is going to suffice (though it can help) so it’s worthwhile to work some immune support into you and your students’ bodies during the school year. In addition to my sons being at school, I started a job at a school last week and was reminded very quickly that the other years I’ve worked in schools were always full of colds and once, a very bad flu, and that was when I worked at a college so it’s not just elementary through high schools. I don’t want another year of viruses and other issues, so I’m planning on putting some real focus into not only supporting my and my sons’ immune systems, but also making my little classroom as healthy as possible. Bailey (above) is not happy with the transition of summer to school days either. She likes everyone home, right where she can see them.


Astragalus is an immune supporting herb that can be used continuously, as opposed to the more well-known booster, echinacea, which is used during an illness, then must be stopped in order to stay effective in the future. I use astragalus in powdered form and add it to the adaptogen blends I make for the boys and my morning protein smoothies. It’s a mainstay. One of my herbal teachers said that in China they put a slice of the root in soups all winter, then take it out before serving the soup. I can’t verify that myself, but it sounds like a reasonable way to take advantage of the herb. The slices are known to look somewhat like tongue depressors (pictured above), and although it’s a root, both the smell and taste of the herb are somewhat nutty (at least to me). Next time I make soup, I’m going to try throwing a slice in there, and I’ve also been known to take the tincture version when I’ve felt rundown and there is a kids’ tincture too that is free of alcohol. There are pill versions too of course, so whatever is easiest for the person taking it. Astragalus can also help when you have an overactive immune system, such as with allergies or rheumatoid arthritis. It’s category is immunomodulator, meaning it helps amp up the immune system when it needs amping, but also can turn it down when it’s gotten too riled up for its own good. Although astragalus can help you get over a cold or flu, echinacea is my go to choice for really boosting the immune system to fight those. Echinacea is a fighter you bring in when you really need it, while astragalus is a daily supporter. Here’s a kid friendly echinacea for when the sniffles start.

Elderberry is another herb to have on hand all fall and winter and now is the perfect time to make some elderberry syrup which is something I plan on doing in the next couple of weekends (although you can just buy it if herbal crafting isn’t your happy place as it is mine, and here’s a kids’ version). Elderberry has a long history of use for a wide variety of ailments from urinary tract infections to allergies, but it is most known for its anti-catarrhal  and immune boosting actions which make it a natural for fighting colds and flus. It will no doubt be easier to get your kids to take elderberry as opposed to other herbs so it’s nice in that regard as well. Hippocrates himself referred to elderberry as his medicine chest for its many uses, and there is evidence of it being cultivated by prehistoric Europeans and the tincture has also been found buried in ancient Egyptian tombs. Due to its extremely long historical use and the many ailments it treats, it of course also has garnered quite a mythical reputation with stories linked to goddess cultures revering it and it being a portal to fairy lands. If you are lucky enough to have one growing in your yard, you might want to try taking a nap under it because it is said that you will have vivid dreams of fairies and you just might end up in their land, perhaps never to return! And also if you do have access to fresh elderberries, don’t eat them. They need to be dried before consuming.

For some serious immune support I wanted to incorporate more mushrooms into my supplement regime. I happened to find a tincture on the “last chance” end-cap at a local Whole Foods which was exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to find. It’s Host Defense’s Comprehensive Immune Support and it has an extensive ingredient list that I’ll post below so you can see it for yourselves. Host Defense is Paul Stamets’ company whose video I shared a few posts back and he is a true visionary and pioneer when it comes to the fungal kingdom.

Also, in an herbal documentary series I recently watched, mushrooms were discussed as having the ability to completely overhaul one’s immune system, but it does take some time. I’m looking forward to seeing how I progress with mushroom supplementation and will let you know in about three months if I see a difference, because that is a reasonable amount of time to be able to note any changes. My own herbal education and training really didn’t delve into mushrooms much and I feel like they have just recently been rising in popularity as the powerhouses that they are. I really am excited to experiment more with these strange beauties.

For the room itself that I’m in at the school, I plan on bringing in some plants to not only freshen up the air but also cleanse the air. Herbs will of course be my first botanical additions to the room, and I will probably go with thyme as my inaugural plant-baby there due to its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial actions. The room is actually the

classroom windows
Lake Washington is in the distance.

best room in the building with tall windows that have a great view, but those windows don’t open and the space is fairly small, so the air feels dense quickly once a few students start rolling in. Today I’ll be making an air freshening spray to use between the groups of kids to hopefully put a stop to some of the germ transfers, and also to just keep the room fresh and a pleasant place to be for everyone. Again I’ll be reaching for thyme, although in this case the essential oil, to add to some distilled water for the spray. I might add some ‘thieves’ style essential oil to the spray as well, or at least use it in an essential oil diffuser that I’m bringing in. This little room is about to become a germ’s worst nightmare and a lovely dream for the students and I to be in.

What do you do during cold and flu season? Or is there anything you add to your health regimen either before or after when you will be in a germ fest such as a classroom or airplane?

Thank you for reading and please share with any students, teachers, or parents of students that you know fight the good fight against colds and flues all year.


Clean and Green Natural Products

The latest samples from New Hope Network included some especially clean and green products. Of course there were a couple of CBD items as well since CBD is still going strong despite rumors and confusion persisting. Just as a reminder, I’m not paid for posts in conjunction with the New Hope Network, we are a co-op of bloggers who have agreed to share with our audiences information and products that we believe in. It’s a passion of mine to connect people with more natural products because I truly think natural foods and products are not only healthier for the people who use them, but for the planet as a whole. Plus the natural world has so much to offer which has been largely forgotten by the mainstream since industrialization, and if we can embrace our natural options in combination with all our modern advancements, we are going to head into a better future with more balance, depth, and greater wisdom.


Like CBD, matcha is having a moment too, and with good reason. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants and basically gives all of green tea’s benefits except more, plus it’s so full-bodied it makes a great latte. I drink mine sans milk and love it, although I have gotten a matcha latte with coconut milk a few times while out and can see how that’d be addictive too. Aiya’s matcha to go is a convenient way to carry your matcha around with you. The box says that no sifting or whisking is required but I have been whisking these anyway because it doesn’t hurt and you can almost always find something to stir with no matter if it is a traditional matcha tool or not. These packets don’t have any added sugar (some other brands do!) and the taste is rich, green, and delicious. These are great for travel or to sick in lunch totes or work bags. 

This protein powder from Natreve is a great example of a clean product that packs a huge nutritional and taste punch. My son was wow’ed by the taste of his breakfast smoothie and I this it’s pretty exceptional too~ the smell alone is like a fresh baked cookie. It’s vegan, soy and gluten free with no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors. It is also low sodium and has 25g of protein per scoop (it’s a big scoop!) with only 1 g of sugar and 150 calories. I’m looking forward to trying more of their flavors although my son will probably want to just stick with this s’mores sundae one.

This Bean to Bliss Bar not only has 40mg of CBD in it, it’s main ingredient is cacao which has long been used for its calm and happiness-inducing attributes. This tastes quite good and the ingredients are certainly a smart and clean combination of  mood supporting and enhancing ingredients though I personally can’t attest to any overwhelming feelings of bliss. That most likely has way more to do with my current state of going through a hard time than the product though so I’d love to hear other people’s experiences with this bar.

The CBD oil from CV Sciences has 9mg of CBD per serving and is flavored with peppermint. The peppermint flavor is nice, but it doesn’t actually cover up the hemp taste which if you have tried you know is a very strong. It kind of tastes like the peppermint is sitting shotgun with the hemp oil in the driver’s seat because the tastes are just about equal on the tongue. If you want CBD without the taste of hemp, I suggest avoiding tinctures all together and opting for softgels instead, but if you do like the taste then tinctures are a great choice because they don’t have to travel through the digestive system which may or may not be behaving optimally. (Let’s face it, most are not.)

This cute little Mothers Healing Balm has a great texture and the scent is light and pleasant. We didn’t have any wounds, rashes, or insect bites to try it out on yet, but the ingredients are promising with herbs such as calendula, witch hazel, and lavender in there. My dog did in fact get into a scrap with a raccoon a couple of mornings ago, but her wounds seem to be more psychological than physical, which is saying a lot since she’s already quite a neurotic beast. We’ll have to save this balm for our next wound, bug bite, or rash, and with a house containing two teen boys, it won’t be long I’m sure. This balm was formulated by a mom and an herbalist to treat a wide variety of skin issues.

Remember when healthy fats were all the rage? They are still important for healthy brains, eyes, and hearts, keeping inflammation down, mood regulation, and healthy joints, even if they aren’t in the spotlight as often as they were a few yeas ago. This omega 3-6-9 supplement from truelixir is vegan, gluten and allergen free, reflux-free, and additive-free. The softgels are a nice, smallish size and awfully pretty. Some omega supplements are huge and many do cause reflux issues and most are not vegan, so these are a rare combination indeed.

Thank you for reading and let me know if you have tried any of these products and your thoughts on them!






Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

This is a repost of one of my most popular articles from December of 2017. I would like to add saffron to the anti-depressant category because current research is proving that even just cooking with the herb is helpful in uplifting moods. It is also proving beneficial as an appetite suppressant and as such it is showing up in weight loss supplements. Also, I’ve written about CBD several times now but it needs to be listed here too because it can definitely help some people with their anxiety.

Ahh, the holidays….nothing like high expectations and extra obligations to turn up the heat on stress and anxiety levels. It’s a shame that the most joyful, festive, family-oriented time of year also has to be one of the hardest for many people. Stress and anxiety cause problems all year long of course, but it seems like this time of year people are rushing around much more with longer to-do lists and shorter fuses. Luckily for us, the natural world has plenty of help to offer, so much so that it seems pretty clear that nature would really like to tell all of us to chill out a bit. Since there are so many options out there, I’ve limited this post to just a few herbal and natural choices that cover the range of stress and anxiety from mild to intense but it’s still rather long. If you don’t see what you are looking for, feel free to contact me.

Nervines are a class of herbs that focus on the nervous system. They share similarities with adaptogens, which I posted about earlier, which are a different class of herbs that offer help with stress and anxiety by balancing out the body overall, with specific attention paid to the endocrine system. A great, concise article about the difference between adaptogens and nervines and when to use which can be found here. Nervines are good for any kind of stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and certain types of pain. They range in their strength from gentle tonic (such as Skullcap) to powerful sedative (such as Valerian). Most fall in-between the extremes and you can find plenty of blends that allow the herbs to work in a synergistic way.

Kava Kava is one of the most popular calming herbs, but it’s also an herb that has some warnings attached to it. Although it’s been in use in the South Pacific for its relaxing and euphoric qualities since ancient times, there have been a couple of issues recently that could indicate Kava might be damaging to certain people’s livers. It’s all quite inconclusive but some products do come with a warning on it, and some stores just stopped selling it, although it is still readily available in capsules, tinctures, and teas both online and found at brick and mortar stores. If you have an overload of toxins in your body, or a compromised liver for any reason, you might want to stick to other calming herbs or blend of herbs. Also, if you are taking it as a tincture, be prepared for it to numb your lips at first~ that just means it’s a potent product and it is a good sign.

Valerian which is also found in tincture, pill, or tea form is deeply relaxing and often part of herbal sleep aides. If you are not familiar with the herb, be forewarned that it has a strong scent although it doesn’t taste bad at all. More than once I’ve smelled the herb near someone or in their pocket and mistakenly thought the person was ill because it is that strong (and I have an over-active nose). If you need to address insomnia, Valerian is a good place to start.

Skullcap is also found in insomnia formulas but is milder and can be used throughout the day as a tonic for the nervous system. This is a particularly good herb for you if you find that your brain gets stuck on repeating anxious thoughts or has circular patterns of negativity.  Capsules and tea forms are also available.


Blends are a healthy option if you are not sure which herb is best for you. Herb Pharm makes one which has a unique lavender taste and also comes in capsule form.

For children, the line Herbs for Kids makes a couple of non-alcoholic blends, a Valerian based one and a milder Chamomile based option. Herb Pharm also makes a kid- friendly blend to help with nighttime and nap-time that is also alcohol-free.

Most people know St. John’s Wort is good for minor depression such as the kind caused by seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It takes two to three weeks to feel the benefits of this mild tonic nervine but it really does have the ability to make one’s outlook a bit sunnier. In fact, St. John’s Wort can increase one’s photo-sensitivity so if you live in a sunny climate, do be aware that your skin just might surprise you with its quicker than usual darkening  or reddening. I actually love this about the herb because SAD is related to lack of sunshine and vitamin D, so what does St. John’s Wort do? It increases your sensitivity to the sun! I actually make my own and use it every winter to combat the grey PNW days. All the citrus essential oils act in the same way by the way~ they too increase your photo-sensitivity and they are also anti-depressants, so if you are using them in a body oil or body spray you should keep that in mind.

A word about deciding how to take your nervines. Tinctures are a great option because if you put the liquid right under your tongue you will feel the effects almost immediately. (It might burn so have some water nearby to wash the rest down your throat.) Stress and anxiety often lead to less than optimal digestion which may inhibit the results of a capsule or tablet, so if you use a tincture or tea, that alleviates the potential problem of not getting the most out of your supplement (and therefore your money). Of course, use whatever form works best for you because in the end, the best form is the form you actually take.

There are other natural products that help with stress and anxiety as well. B vitamins are important for daily stress management and are often even labeled with the word ‘stress’ right on the front them. If your daily tension levels are high then looking into a total B could prove beneficial.

As discussed earlier, vitamin D plays a role in SAD and is especially important in places where the word ‘overcast’ is in the daily forecast. Using a liquid formula is the most affective way to take D, other than getting at least a half hour of sunshine on some bare skin every day. (And that includes no sunscreen for that half hour.)

For times when your anxiety is high because of a certain event, or you are anticipating something stressful, then GABA might be your answer. GABA is a neurotransmitter already found in our brain that has anti-anxiety action. This study gives a brief explanation of one test and what the results were if you are interested. My naturopath actually first suggested GABA to me for times when I had to take my kids to get shots because of the extreme stress around those situations. (The GABA was suggested for my kids but I needed it too!) We use the chewables or lozenges because they are faster acting and personally, I feel the effects far greater than with capsules.

Essential oils are really at their prime working on stress and anxiety. They are definitely nature’s messengers telling us silly humans to relax, enjoy beauty, and quite literally to stop and smell the roses, or at least the rose oil. Neroli blossoms used to always be part of bridal bouquets because of their calming attributes and the essential oil continues that tradition of being a powerful anti-anxiety oil. Lavender is well-known as a relaxing scent and it combines beautifully with almost any other essential oil. Combining it with Neroli creates an affective anti-anxiety spray or oil, and combining Lavender with a citrus oil creates a lovely uplifting scent for diffusing or wearing. As mentioned above, all the citrus oils are anti-depressant (and also mildly stimulating), but the best ones for uplifting your mood are  Orange, Grapefruit, and Bergamot.

Clary Sage is often referred to as a ‘euphoric’ and it combines well with Bergamot for an uplifting, anti-depressant effect. I like to make body/room sprays that are half Clary Sage and half Bergamot.


Making body oils is a great way to wear your anti-anxiety and anti-stress essential oils like a shield. You can put the oil on the bottom of your feet, all over your body, or make a stronger scented perfume oil or spray that you can reapply to your pressure points throughout the day. There are so many natural options for help with stress and anxiety that you really don’t need to just push through those moments, days, or seasons alone. Of course, always consult a medical professional if you are struggling to the point of it disrupting your daily activities, but know there are plenty of natural options to help you enjoy your life fully and with optimal health.

Peace to all of you this season and please share this with anyone who might be looking for a little natural help with stress, depression, and/or anxiety, and subscribe for more posts like this one on a weekly basis.

Quick Fixes for Acne

Now I’m not talking about cystic acne here or any other more serious acne condition, although some of this might help those conditions, but what I’m referring more to is the occasional bumps and blemishes that everyone deals with (especially teens and women of child-bearing age) from time to time. Most people understand there is a connection to what is happening internally to what shows up externally and it isn’t solely a matter of how you care for your skin, though the common myths of chocolate causing acne or skin being ‘too oily’ persist. Chocolate only causes problems if you have a dairy intolerance and you eat milk chocolate, or an intolerance to chocolate itself, which would be a darn shame. Food intolerances definitely play a role in skin health though and I certainly experienced that with gluten before going gluten-free. It was one of the things I noticed before ever getting tested for gluten intolerance because of course I had more than an inkling I had a problem with gluten before confirming that which is how I got tested in the first place. I don’t expect many people are tested for gluten intolerance unless they themselves ask to be, which is just another way one has to advocate for themselves when it comes to the modern medical system. As a side note, my physician who ran the blood test said that she doubted I was gluten intolerant because “not many people are”. (Not true.) Then her nurse called back with the results telling me that the results showed such reactivity to gluten that I was a celiac. (This was misinformed. You can’t tell if someone is a Celiac through a blood test.) So she told me to go to a gastroenterologist who took one look at me and said, “You probably aren’t celiac. You’re too dark! Celiacs are from northern Europe and you look southern European.” (This is problematic for two reasons other than the fact he was diagnosing me from my coloring~ Italy has the largest confirmed population of celiacs and I am pretty sure they are considered southern European. Also, I’m French, German, and Irish~ not exactly southern European.) I said, “Shouldn’t I just get the test done to make sure I’m not celiac since that’s a serious, hereditary disease and I have kids?” And he said, “Why? All you can do is not eat gluten whether you are gluten intolerant or celiac. It’s the same protocol either way so I wouldn’t recommend it. Your blood test shows you clearly shouldn’t eat gluten so don’t eat gluten.” I was too baffled by such an unusual exchange to argue especially since normally I find doctors to be overly exuberant about tests, but since he was recommending I not have an uncomfortable procedure for once, I went with it for better or worse.

Anyway, back to acne. Acne is one of the rare occasions you can use essential oils directly on your skin without a carrier. You can put a drop of tea tree or lavender on a blemish to diminish it. It isn’t immediate but it will work over a couple of days time. From an internal standpoint, acne generally is associated with digestion and/or hormones. Food intolerances are clearly part of the digestive component and they can wreck havoc on skin in other forms from eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and more. Avoiding the foods one is intolerant to is obvious, but also improving digestive processes can help long-term. Using digestive bitters and/or enzymes before eating helps with breaking down the food. Adding fresh or dried herbs to food can also improve digestion, or drinking herbal teas with an aim to cleanse the liver can help. (Most skin blend herbal teas you find on the shelves of stores include herbs which cleanse the liver and blood, and therefore deliver cleaner building blocks to the skin.) Taking probiotics and/or eating foods that have natural probiotics in them, such as kombucha and apple cider vinegar, help too. Fresh veggies, especially greens, are generally recommended, but in my research into digestive health I’ve learned that if you have digestive issues, you will get more from your veggies if they are cooked in some way, such as in soup. Fresh veggies have the enzymes which is great, but if the digestive system is compromised it needs more than those fresh enzymes to break down the food a bit and truly reap all the benefits from the veggies. I personally like sweet potatoes best of all for skin.

As far as hormonal fluctuations go with teens and also with women’s monthly cycle, taking adaptogens on a regular basis can help with hormonal balance. Teens do need to exercise some caution with adaptogenic herbs because adaptogens work primarily through the endocrine system which houses and transports hormones, and although adaptogens are generally very safe for most people, they should really be said to be safe for adults. Ashwagandha should be used only in small amounts and for shorter amounts of time with breaks in between. Ginseng should not be used by people under age 30. Seriously! It’s a potent herb for increasing (especially masculine) vitality and can cause ill effects if used incorrectly. Adaptogens such as Eleuthero and Astragalus are good ones for teens.

For women, chaste berry or vitex is the classic women’s hormone regulatory herb. There are teas, capsules, and tinctures to enable easy use. It can also be found in blends to support cycles and aid reproductive health overall.

Using clean and green products on the skin is important too. This line from Alba Botanica has been great on my son’s teen skin. I got him on the following as soon as he started having a blemish or two, and it works like a charm: the cleanser, astringent, these patches or the gel (use one or the other), and there’s also this scrub for the body is other areas besides the face are a problem. If he forgets to use it because he’s not at home, then inevitably one or two little buggers will pop out, but as soon as he uses the products again, they go away, usually literally overnight. It isn’t expensive either which is a nice plus.

If you are interested in something a little fancier and definitely as clean and green as you can get, evan healy has a whole line dedicated to acne. We haven’t tried those specific products of hers yet since the Alba has been doing the trick, but I’ve used many of evan healy’s other products such as this serum and they are extremely high quality and definitely work well.

What have you used that has worked on acne?



Current Legality of CBD

Has there ever been a more confusing natural supplement in terms of legality than CBD? I remember when ephedra was the star of legal matters about 15 or so years ago, but CBD’s legal status has stayed questionable for even longer than any other supplement I can remember. It can be readily found where I live in western Washington, but every state is different and it varies in other countries as well. I’d love to know what the status is where you live so if you have a moment, comment on where you live and CBD’s status, or contact me with a quick status report.

The answered questions below have been provided by New Hope Network. I am a member of the New Hope Influencer Co-op, a network of health and wellness bloggers committed to spreading more health to more people. In short, we share what’s happening in the natural foods and products industry when we feel it relates to our audience, and I always get questions about CBD, so if you are curious, read on.

Federally legal, but illegal in certain states, marijuana’s cousin, hemp, is steeped in regulatory confusion. Get answers to some of the top legal-based questions about CBD.

  1. Did the 2018 farm bill make it legal to sell CBD in all 50 states?
  2. Yes … and no. The farm bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act. The farm bill did not, however, preempt—or bar states from regulating the production of hemp or limit them from enforcing laws that are stricter than the farm bill. So, while hemp is federally approved, states can individually prohibit production.


  1. Can CBD be listed on an Ingredients label?
  2. There is no law that explicitly prohibits a brand from declaring CBD as an ingredient on its product label. Nor do FDA regulations impose a requirement to disclose constituents of botanicals, such as CBD. However, such disclosure is permitted. Moreover, FDA’s position regarding CBD is not the law, but rather the agency’s interpretation of the law.


  1. Can CBD brands republish or share their customer testimonials?
  2. Customers of CBD products use them to treat cancer and various other ailments. They often share success stories with the CBD brands, but those brands cannot republish the testimonials. The First Amendment provides broad protections of free speech—but it doesn’t give a company unlimited rights to endorse or republish its customers’ statements without interference from the FDA. Disease treatment claims, including republished testimonials, are prohibited for supplements as per Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.


  1. The farm bill legalized hemp; so, does the FDA have the right to interfere with CBD in products?
  2. Yes. The 2018 farm bill addressed problems that have plagued the hemp industry over the years, including interference by the government agency that enforces the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The 2018 farm bill does not, however, affect or limit the FDA’s authority under the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Act.


  1. Was CBD first studied as a drug before it was marketed as a dietary supplement or food, as FDA claims? And … CBD is found in hemp, which is in foods, so what’s the real deal?
  2. It’s complicated. The FD&C Act prevents certain articles from being sold in supplements and foods if the article was subject to a drug trial before being marketed in a food or supplement—and CBD was. This is the basis for the FDAs opinion that CBD is illegal as a dietary ingredient. Overcoming FDA’s objections is multifaceted and also includes whether drug trials were substantial and well publicized. In other words, there’s not one clear answer to these questions.


  1. Does the FDA’s position on CBD apply to a brand if the product label states that the product is hemp extracts?
  2. Yes. Many U.S. companies aiming to profit on the rising demand for CBD are now selling “hemp extracts” in the United States. The FDA isn’t fooled by nomenclature.


  1. The FDA recently accepted three GRAS (generally recognized as safe) notices for hemp seed-derived food ingredients that included CBD. This is confusing. What exactly IS the agency’s position related to CBD in food and supplements?
  2. The ingredients in question contained CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but only in “trace amounts” according to the FDA. The seeds may pick up such amounts, the FDA explained in a constituent update, “during harvesting and processing when they are in contact with other parts of the plant.” In a marijuana Q&A regarding the addition of CBD and THC to foods, the FDA said its GRAS conclusions do NOT affect the agency’s position and scrutiny.


  1. Are CBD-selling companies required to invest in safety studies or research?
  2. In theory, yes. Dietary ingredients introduced into the US market after October 15, 1994, are required to have a new dietary ingredient (NDI) notification—a dossier of safety and toxicity results. In reality, very few ingredient suppliers have undertaken NDI’s and the FDA has rarely gone after companies for violating this tenet of DSHEA legislation.

(End of share)

I’ve written before that I do notice a difference in my anxiety levels when I take CBD, and others have told me they really have a surprising amount of relief from using it externally on nerve damage or aches and pains. If you haven’t tried it, and you want to, I suggest doing it soon before CBD goes the way of ephedra (no longer available). Hopefully it won’t as more education circulates about the fact that CBD does not cause a ‘high’, but just to be on the safe side, try it sooner rather than later.

The legality of CBD seems like an issue that won’t have a universally applicable answer any time soon, if ever. I’ve even heard rumblings about credit card companies refusing to allow their systems to be used for CBD or legal THC purposes. I have no idea where that is headed, but it seems everyone has an opinion on these botancials. What’s yours? Have you tried CBD? What did you think? I’d love it if you comment or contact me about your thoughts and experiences.

Thanks for reading and please share with others curious about CBD. Have a lovely rest of your week!