A Different Paradigm

This has been an era of polarity for a while now, fueled by social media and the strange but very real pleasure hit we get when we feel ‘outrage’ (more about that phenomenon here). There’s an empowering feeling to have strong opinions about something~ vaccines, politics, moral codes, etc~ and then have those opinions validated by others, whether they be FB friends, radio hosts, or TV personalities. They have become the way many people define themselves and it’s become accepted, even encouraged, to make fun of the other side and dehumanize them. It seems opinions, defined as: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge (google dictionary but italics my own), are being mistaken as facts, and furthermore, used to bolster self esteem and promote polarity. Why? Why should any of us settle for this?

I’ve seen this playing out with the current COVID crisis and supplements/foods. It seems you have to be ‘for’ or ‘against’ using nutrition and supplements to bolster your immune system. Why does this tunnel vision persist? The word complementary is defined as: combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another (google dictionary), and that’s exactly what complementary medicine does best. All sorts of health enrichment exists beyond modern medicine, from broccoli to meditation, cardio to vitamin C, it is not revolutionary to say that there are things that we do every single day to keep ourselves healthy so why do some get upset by the idea of using herbs and other supplements to boost the immune system and health in general….? I just don’t get it.

Maybe it’s time we could embrace a different paradigm and use the traditional knowledge built up over centuries around herbs and other natural substances on a daily basis and use modern medical care when we need it. It can be a stretch for some to understand that we actually live in a paradigm where health is viewed in a specific and not holistic way. Our current view is that health is absence of disease and disease means uncomfortable tests followed by pills with bad side effects and we just accept all of that because that is modern medicine. I agree that sometimes the tests are necessary and even the pills are necessary with their harmful side effects, but we do have more control than that viewpoint allows. Herbalism is not about using herbs instead of pharmaceuticals~ it doesn’t work like that. Herbalism is looking at health holistically and supporting the body through diseases, aging, personal tendencies, inherited conditions, and more through balance which is a life-long endeavor. This means always striving for optimal health, not just the absence of disease, and when disease presents then supporting the body through it with or without modern medicine, depending on the severity and personal needs.

Maybe if we could all open our minds to the idea that we don’t live in an either/or universe, it would translate to better health, grander living, broader thinking, and more humanity in general.

Healthy Wishes to All

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